Paul Quotes

Text Quotes
My room is dominated by the huge painting, which is a copy of ‘The Violation’ by the Belgian surrealist Paul Delvaux. The original was destroyed during the Blitz in 1940, and I commissioned an artist I know, Brigid Marlin, to make a copy from a photograph. I never stop looking at this painting and its mysterious and beautiful women. (Paul Quotes)
The poet Paul Éluard says that to understand my film version of Beauty and the Beast, you must love your dog more than your car. (Paul Quotes)
Paul Simon is my absolute hero. He’s one of a kind. He wrote his own ticket in life by being himself. (Paul Quotes)
... there’s also nothing noble about being fearless. How much do you wanna bet the last man standing in a battle is usually the biggest fool of all? - Paul Hudson (Paul Quotes)
I can’t speak for George, but I pretty damn well know we got fed up of being sidemen for Paul (Paul Quotes)
You remember had this gigantic clock in the arena showing the size of the national debt. And Paul told America, if you elect Republicans, we can fix that. But, if Paul Ryan was being honest, he would’ve pointed to the debt clock and said, we built that. (Paul Quotes)
I’ve learned by watching films that inspired me and people who inspired me like Robert Redford and Paul Newman. I love old school acting. I love subtlety, and I also love being spontaneous, and that’s really what works for me. (Paul Quotes)
Early on I saw the plastic quality in colored people and had friends among them; and later was to work from colored models and friends, including Paul Robeson, whose splendid head I worked from in New York. I tried to draw Chinamen in their quarter, but the Chinese did not like being drawn and would immediately disappear when they spotted me. (Paul Quotes)
You know what I loved about ‘Sideways’? Well, the wine, of course. But it was one of the few movies in which being a writer was realistically depicted. I loved how the Paul Giamatti character tries so ineptly to talk about his book. (Paul Quotes)
I’m pretty caring, loyal and loving to those who are close to me. Two of my friends are from school, so I’ve known them for more than 30 years. My best friend, Paul Fisher, sat next to me in English when I was ten or 11. If you asked him, he’d say I was loyal. I don’t think I’ve changed over the years. (Paul Quotes)
One of my best friends is Paul Rudd, and he’s been in just about every one of Judd Apatow’s movies. (Paul Quotes)
I am a big admirer of Paul Scholes, he is one of the best players of his generation (Paul Quotes)
Considered purely as effects-driven filmed drama, ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ checks in somewhere in the middle of one of Hollywood’s most absurd and least lamented dead genres, the disaster pic of the 70s. It’s a little better than ‘Earthquake’ but not as good as ‘The Towering Inferno,’ because it doesn’t star Steve McQueen and Paul Newman. (Paul Quotes)
Paul Hollywood’s You’re under baked is even better than You’re fired (Paul Quotes)
When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft over 30 years ago, we had big dreams about software. We had dreams about the impact it could have. (Paul Quotes)
Fans love McGwire for his powerful physique, for his on-field hugs of his son, the part-time bat boy. He is Big Mac, or Paul Bunyan in Cardinals red with a white-ash bat instead of an ax. (Paul Quotes)
I’ll never be the biggest kind of star; I’ll be like Bob Duvall, respected as an actor but a lot of people can’t identify the face. I don’t have the personality of a big star, or the looks of a Mel Gibson or a Paul Newman, or the style of a George C. Scott. (Paul Quotes)
What Steve Jobs and I did-and at the same time Bill Gates and Paul Allen did-we had no savings accounts, no friends that could loan us money. But we had ideas, and I wanted all my life to be a part of a revolution. (Paul Quotes)
Christianity is not the faith of the complacent, the comfortable or of the timid. It demands and creates heroic souls like Wesley, Wilberforce, Bonhoeffer, John Paul the Second, and Billy Graham. Each showed, in their own way, the relentless and powerful influence of the message of Jesus Christ. (Paul Quotes)
Paul Robeson was an athlete, Rutgers valedictorian, lawyer, writer, actor in movies and plays, great voice - a black male doing it all, back when some people thought he shouldn’t. One reason I do all the things I do is to break stereotypes that people can only do certain things. (Paul Quotes)
The idea that when the health of one member suffers, the health of the whole body is lowered is a teaching of St Paul which is timeless. (Paul Quotes)
Was not Paul an extremist for the gospel of Jesus Christ? - I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. (Paul Quotes)
I’d love a signed first edition of ‘City of Glass’ by Paul Auster. My favourite book of all time. (Paul Quotes)
There is no evidence that the author of the Book of Revelation, John of Patmos, read anything that we think of as a New Testament book. I don’t see any evidence that he knew what was in the Gospels, or the letters of Paul, which I don’t think he would have liked at all. (Paul Quotes)
When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home. (Paul Quotes)
Dear brothers and sisters, after the great Pope John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me - a simple, humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord. (Paul Quotes)
At any given time I’m listening to the Cory Branan, Leonna Naess, Eve 6, the King’s Noyse, Sean Paul, Green Day, the BoDeans, Buddy Holly, Nowell Sing We Clear... the list goes on and on. But I rarely listen to music while I write. I start typing the lyrics. (Paul Quotes)
It is hard to miss the irony in the fact that the very same week that Republicans were publicly heralding Congressman Paul Ryan’s plan to inject market forces into the American health care system, they were crafting a budget deal to strip them from the health reform law. (Paul Quotes)
The Catholic Church [with Pope John Paul II] has lost its shepherd. The world has lost a champion of human freedom. (Paul Quotes)
Resisting a beautiful chocolate cake or a wonderful foie gras is as difficult as (the idea of) saying no to Paul Newman. (Paul Quotes)