Paul Singer Quotes

Text Quotes
The bottom line is that the euro is a failed experiment (Paul Singer Quotes)
The building block of every community is family (Paul Singer Quotes)
Resentment is not morally superior to earning money (Paul Singer Quotes)
What you have in legacy countries is long-term insolvency (Paul Singer Quotes)
While many of Mr. Obama’s ideas warrant skepticism, conservative opposition to any expanded role for government is a mistake. (Paul Singer Quotes)
Check out London, Manhattan, Aspen and East Hampton real estate prices, as well as high-end art prices, to see what the leading edge of hyperinflation could look like. (Paul Singer Quotes)
Successful hedge funds will be entrepreneurial; it is the essence of the craft (Paul Singer Quotes)
It’s true that monetary policy was too lax for too long, and the government encouraged lending to people who were unlikely to repay their loans. (Paul Singer Quotes)
My concern as a citizen and as a money manager is, Oh my God, at what point does a ‘whoa’ moment happen to these people who own $30 trillion fixed income instruments? (Paul Singer Quotes)
Creating a regulatory system that reflects the modern-day realities of financial markets is not as difficult as it may appear. (Paul Singer Quotes)
In the workplace, employees should be judged on their merit and hard work and not on aspects that are irrelevant to their performance. (Paul Singer Quotes)
Governments need to be authorized to provide ‘open bank assistance.’ The convolutions of Dodd-Frank aimed at ‘avoiding’ this tactic are ludicrous and will prove to be extremely costly to the system. (Paul Singer Quotes)
Credit ratings and risk weightings must undergo a thorough process of review and revision. No security or instrument on the planet should have a zero risk weighting. (Paul Singer Quotes)
Obviously, the institution of marriage in America has utterly collapsed (Paul Singer Quotes)
Today, even small entities that trade complex instruments or are granted sufficient leverage can threaten the global financial system. (Paul Singer Quotes)
Securing for gays and lesbians the basic right to have their relationships and families recognized as part of a community makes all of our communities stronger. (Paul Singer Quotes)
So many people, including stark conservatives, have family members and close friends who are gay (Paul Singer Quotes)
A great deal of stupidity has chipped away at the massive advantages of Western civilization, which could terminally decline if it remains on the current path. But these problems can be solved - and swiftly - if the right leaders emerge. (Paul Singer Quotes)
It is impossible to understand the financial health of big financial institutions and their potential impact on the market. They don’t even understand it themselves. (Paul Singer Quotes)
It is a very bad idea for governments to create arbitrary and unfair outcomes, or outcomes resulting from the passions and whims of the government rather than from the law, just because they have the power to do so. (Paul Singer Quotes)
America is a place where the freedom to be who you are shouldn’t be a barrier to your ability to get a job and provide for your family. (Paul Singer Quotes)
Individual liberty, the basic underpinning of American society, requires constant defense against the encroachment of the state. (Paul Singer Quotes)