Paul Strand Quotes

Text Quotes
I like to photograph people who have strength and dignity in their faces. Whatever life has done to them, it hasn’t destroyed them. (Paul Strand Quotes)
Whether a watercolor is inferior to an oil [painting], or whether a drawing, an etching, or a photograph is not as important as either, is inconsequent. To have to despise something in order to respect something else is a sign of impotence (Paul Strand Quotes)
The important thing is, you have to have something important to say about the world (Paul Strand Quotes)
All light is available light (Paul Strand Quotes)
If the photographer is not a discoverer, then he is not an artist (Paul Strand Quotes)
To be a photographer you must have something to say about the world (Paul Strand Quotes)
Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees (Paul Strand Quotes)
All good art is abstract in its structure (Paul Strand Quotes)
I like to photograph people who have strength and dignity in their faces. Whatever life has done to them, it hasn’t destroyed them (Paul Strand Quotes)
It is one thing to photograph people. It is another to make others care about them by revealing the core of their humanness (Paul Strand Quotes)
I think of myself as an explorer who has spent his life on a long voyage of discovery (Paul Strand Quotes)
The decision as to when to photograph, the actual click of the shutter, is partly controlled from the outside, by the flow of life, but it also comes from the mind and the heart of the artist. The photograph is his vision of the world and expresses, however subtly, his values and convictions (Paul Strand Quotes)
The camera machine cannot evade the objects which are in front of it. When the photographer selects this movement, the light, the objects, he must be true to them. If he includes in his space a strip of grass, it must be felt as the living differentiated thing it is and so recorded. It must take its proper but no less important place as a shape and a texture in relationship to the mountain tree or what not, which are included (Paul Strand Quotes)
Look at the things around you, the immediate world around you. If you are alive, it will mean something to you, and if you care enough about photography, and if you know how to use it, you will want to photograph that meaningness. If you let other people’s vision get between the world and your own, you will achieve that extremely common and worthless thing, a pictorial photograph (Paul Strand Quotes)
Photography is only a new road from a different direction, but moving toward the common goal, which is life (Paul Strand Quotes)
I’ve always wanted to be aware of what’s going on around me, and I’ve wanted to use photography as an instrument of research into and reporting on the life of my own time (Paul Strand Quotes)
The portrait of a person is one of the most difficult things to do. It means you must almost bring the presence of that person photographed to other people in such a way that they don’t have to know that person personally, but that they are still confronted with a human being that they won’t forget. That’s a portrait (Paul Strand Quotes)
It is easy to make a picture of someone and call it a portrait. The difficulty lies in making a picture that makes the viewer care about a stranger (Paul Strand Quotes)
Every artist I suppose has a sense of what they think has been the importance of their work. But to ask them to define it is not really a fair question. My real answer would be, the answer is on the wall (Paul Strand Quotes)
The artist's world is limitless. It can be found anywhere, far from where he lives or a few feet away. It is always on his doorstep (Paul Strand Quotes)
Did I express my personality? I think that’s quite unimportant because it’s not people’s selves but what they have to say about life that’s important (Paul Strand Quotes)
And if you can find out something about the laws of your own growth and vision as well as those of photography you may be able to relate the two, create an object that has a life of its own, which transcends craftsmanship. That is a long road, and because it must be your own road nobody can teach it to you or find it for you. There are no shortcuts, no rules (Paul Strand Quotes)
Objectivity is of the very essence of photography, its contribution and at the same time its limitation (Paul Strand Quotes)
No matter what lens you use, no matter what speed the film, no matter how you develop it, no matter how you print it, you cannot say more than you can see (Paul Strand Quotes)