Paul Tillich Quotes

Text Quotes
Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Forgiving presupposes remembering (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Fear is the absence of faith (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Faith is the state of being ultimately concerned (Paul Tillich Quotes)
I hope for the day when everyone can speak again of God without embarrassment (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The passion for truth is silenced by answers which have the weight of undisputed authority (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Life remains ambiguous as long as there is life (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Faith consists in being vitally concerned with that ultimate reality to which I give the symbolical name of God. Whoever reflects earnestly on the meaning of life is on the verge of an act of faith (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The courage to be is rooted in the God who appears when God has disappeared in the anxiety of doubt (Paul Tillich Quotes)
I loved thee beautiful and kind, And plighted an eternal vow; So altered are thy face and mind, t’were perjury to love thee now (Paul Tillich Quotes)
There is no place to which we could flee from God, which is outside of God (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The abundance of a grateful heart gives honor to God even if it does not turn to Him in words. An unbeliever who is filled with thanks for his very being has ceased to be an unbeliever (Paul Tillich Quotes)
In the depth of the anxiety of having to die is the anxiety of being eternally forgotten (Paul Tillich Quotes)
... history has shown that the most terrible crimes against love have been committed in the name of fanatically defended doctrines (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Language... has created the word ‘loneliness’ to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word ‘solitude’ to express the glory of being alone (Paul Tillich Quotes)
I have given no definition of love. This is impossible, because there is no higher principle by which it could be defined. It is life itself in its actual unity. The forms and structures in which love embodies itself are the forms and structures in which love overcomes its self-destructive forces (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Culture (science) is the form of religion; Religion is the substance of culture (science) (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Courage is a greater virtue than love. At best, it takes courage to love. (Paul Tillich Quotes)
For love ... is the blood of life, the power of reunion in the separated. (Paul Tillich Quotes)
I loved thee beautiful and kind, And plighted an eternal vow; So altered are thy face and mind, t’were perjury to love thee now! (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The courage to be is rooted in the God who appears when God has disappeared in the anxiety of doubt. (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Accept the fact that you are accepted, despite the fact that you are unacceptable (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Mystical identification transcends the aristocratic virtue of courageous self-sacrifice. It is self- surrender in a higher, more complete, and more complete and more radical form. It is the perfect form of self-affirmation (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Individualism is the self-affirmation of the individual self as individual self without regard to its participation in its world. As such it is the opposite of collectivism, the self affirmation of the self as part of a larger whole without regard to its character as an individual self (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The basic anxiety, the anxiety of a finite being about the threat of non-being, cannot be eliminated. It belongs to existence itself (Paul Tillich Quotes)
God does not exist. He is being-itself beyond essence and existence. Therefore to argue that God exists is to deny him (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone. It has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word solitude to express the glory of being alone (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone (Paul Tillich Quotes)
For love... is the blood of life, the power of reunion in the separated (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is one element of faith (Paul Tillich Quotes)