Paul Tillich Quotes

Text Quotes
Love is the infinite which is given to the finite (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Only the philosophical question is perennial, not the answers (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Love that cares, listens (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Man is not what he believes himself to be in his conscious decisions (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Every institution is inherently demonic (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Faith is an act of a finite being who is grasped by, and turned to, the infinite (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself, in spite of being unacceptable (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The first duty of love is to listen (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Astonishment is the root of philosophy (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Boredom is rage spread thin (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Cruelty towards others is always also cruelty towards ourselves (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Decision is a risk rooted in the courage of being free (Paul Tillich Quotes)
If my tongue were trained to measures, I would sing a stirring song (Paul Tillich Quotes)
There is no love which does not become help (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Faith embraces itself and the doubt about itself (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The separation of faith and love is always a consequence of a deterioration of religion (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Our spirituality is the ground of our being (Paul Tillich Quotes)
In the courageous standing of uncertainty, faith shows most visibly its dynamic character (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The fatal pedagogical error is to throw answers like stones at the heads of those who have not yet asked the questions (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Cynically speaking, one could say that it is true to life to be cynical about it (Paul Tillich Quotes)
We can speak without voice to the trees and the clouds and the waves of the sea. Without words they respond through the rustling of leaves and the moving of clouds and the murmuring of the sea (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The vitality that can stand the abyss of meaninglessness is aware of a hidden meaning within the destruction of meaning (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Man’s ultimate concern must be expressed symbolically, because symbolic language alone is able to express the ultimate (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Man is asked to make of himself what he is supposed to become to fulfill his destiny (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The affirmation of one’s essential being in spite of desires and anxieties creates joy (Paul Tillich Quotes)
He who risks and fails can be forgiven. He who never risks and never fails is a failure in his whole being (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Knowledge of that which concerns us infinitely is possible only in an attitude of infinite concern (Paul Tillich Quotes)
The awareness of the ambiguity of one’s highest achievements, as well as one’s deepest failures is a definite symptom of maturity (Paul Tillich Quotes)
Being religious means asking passionately the question of the meaning of our existence and being willing to receive answers, even if the answers hurt (Paul Tillich Quotes)
You are accepted. You are accepted, accepted by that which is greater than you, and the name of which you do not know. Do not ask for the name now; perhaps you will find it later. Do not try to do anything now; perhaps later you will do much. Do not seek for anything; do not perform anything; do not intend anything. Simply accept the fact that you are accepted! (Paul Tillich Quotes)