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Paul Wolfowitz Quotes

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The internal affairs of other countries has a big impact on American interests  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) I’m not sure the oil producers are enjoying real growth. That troubles me. For experience has shown that oil can be more of a curse than a blessing. And not only in Africa  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) That sense of what happened in Europe in World War II has shaped a lot of my views  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) We did not go to war in Afghanistan or in Iraq to, quote, ‘impose democracy.’ We went to war in both places because we saw those regimes as a threat to the United States  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) It’s wonderful that so many people want to contribute to fighting aids or malaria. But, if somebody isn’t paying attention to the overall health system in the country, a whole lot of money can be wasted  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) Someone once said that history has more imagination than all the scenario writers in the Pentagon, and we have a lot of scenario writers here. No one ever wrote a scenario for commercial airliners crashing into the World Trade Center  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) I think all foreigners should stop interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq. Those who want to come and help are welcome. Those who come to interfere and destroy are not  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) I think one has to say it’s not just simply a matter of capturing people and holding them accountable, but removing the sanctuaries, removing the support systems, ending states who sponsor terrorism. and that’s why it has to be a broad and sustained campaign  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) We don’t start a job that we can’t finish... That’s the American way  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) Part of what is wrong with the view of American imperialism is that it is antithetical to our interests. We are better off when people are governing themselves. I’m sure there is some guy that will tell you that philosophy is no different from the Roman Empire’s. Well, it is fundamentally different.  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) I mean, we’re going to probably debate the Iraq war for at least as long as I’m alive  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) Look, I think the public generally understands that what’s at stake in Afghanistan is American security, number one.  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) You can’t be involved in healthcare without being involved in the battle against AIDS  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) I’m not sure the oil producers are enjoying real growth. That troubles me. For experience has shown that oil can be more of a curse than a blessing. And not only in Africa.  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) Support for peaceful reform by the people themselves is the right way to promote democracy, not the use of force.  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) I think one has to say it’s not just simply a matter of capturing people and holding them accountable, but removing the sanctuaries, removing the support systems.  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) People change their habits. I know Americans who don’t go to Paris because they think it is too dangerous.  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) If the Arab world today looked like Tunisia, it would be a huge blow for the extreme ideologies. But Tunisia needs more support than it is getting, particularly from their close neighbors in Europe who have a great stake in North Africa.  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) People seem to forget that Saddam was the only leader in the world who praised the attacks of 9/11 as a good thing.  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) Our security depends on having good relationships with our allies. Donald Trump mainly shows contempt for them.  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) One of the things that ultimately led me to leave mathematics and go into political science was thinking I could prevent nuclear war  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) If greater openness is a key to economic success, I believe there is increasingly a need for openness in the political sphere as well  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) I’ve met quite a few dictators up close and personal in my life  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) You can’t win if you’re chasing the wrong problem  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) History is just littered with problems that were solved that were supposed to be impossible  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) I’m constantly asking for alternative views on most things that come to me  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) Poles understand perhaps better than anyone the consequences of making toothless warnings to brutal tyrants and terrorist regimes  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) Iraq has no history of ethnic conflict  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) Firing employees, that’s unfortunately a part of doing business  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes) Sometimes corruption is slowed by shedding light into what was previously shadowed  (Paul Wolfowitz Quotes)
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