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Paula Quotes

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I sometimes joke, paula, even paranoid people have enemies  (Paula Quotes) Paula, your retirement is the one that every athlete dreams  (Paula Quotes) They may have turned this up, whether you had the Paula Jones case or not. But again maybe not, but again that's like if a frog had side pockets he'd probably wear a handgun  (Paula Quotes) [Bill Clinton] gave - he settled a - he settled a sexual harassment case for $850,000 with Paula Jones in 1998.  (Paula Quotes) I never had a favourite book! I liked all kinds of things - science fiction, so I read Heinlen and Ray Bradbury, and I also liked reading about kids like myself, so I read Judy Blume and Norma Klein and Paula Danzinger and a lot of other writers. I also read James Herriot!  (Paula Quotes) Paula Abdul’s really impatient to start a family. She says if she has to wait much longer she’s going to go crazy-er.  (Paula Quotes) Paula Deen is a human being. She deserves forgiveness and a chance at redemption as much as anyone else. America is about redemption.  (Paula Quotes)