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Paulo Coelho Quotes

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Respect those who grew up and learned alongside you. Respect those who taught you  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) When we are walking our chosen path, we walk elegantly, emanating light  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Elegance is accepted and admired because it makes no effort to be elegant  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Our soul is governed by four invisible forces: love, death, power and time  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) The fool who loves giving advice on our garden never tends his own plants  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Nobody is worth your tears, and the one who is won’t make you cry  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) People who are on a spiritual quest don’t think, they simply want results  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule. Never lie to yourself  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) A boat is safe in the harbor. But this is not the purpose of a boat  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Waking up each morning to a hysterical alarm clock on the bedside table  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Marrying the first person who offers you a decent position in society. Love can wait  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Philosophy can’t build bridges, but can encourage people to cross them  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) He knows that the most important words in all languages are the small words  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) He uses common sense to judge not the intentions of an action but its consequences  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) He sometimes behaves like water, flowing around the obstacles he encounters  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) He knows that it is impossible to live in a state of complete relaxation  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Finding something important in life does not mean that you must give up everything else  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Never cease doubting. When the doubts stop it is because you have stopped journeying  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Feelings form part of a world in which time, space and frontiers do not exist  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Anyone who has known happiness will never again be able humbly to accept sadness  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Death does not allow us to postpone all the things we can experience now  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) To teach is to show what is possible; to learn is to make yourself possible  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Faith parries all blows. Faith transforms poison into crystalline water  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) If you pay close attention to each day, you will discover the magic moment  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) If only we could be enlightened enough to be able to listen in the silence  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) The more you understand yourself, the more you will understand the world  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Attacking or fleeing are part of the struggle; being paralysed by fear is not  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) Faith is difficult to conquer and requires daily battles if it is to be maintained  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) All men are different. And should do everything possible to continue to be so  (Paulo Coelho Quotes) When you repeat a mistake, it is not a mistake anymore: it is a decision  (Paulo Coelho Quotes)
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