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Is a little experience too much to pay for learning to know oneself?  (Pay Quotes) The price we pay for being ourselves is worth it  (Pay Quotes) Sacrifices are not in vain. At the end, everything will pay off  (Pay Quotes) Never lower your standards just to fill a position. You will pay for it later  (Pay Quotes) Responsibility is the price every man must pay for freedom  (Pay Quotes) Death is the price we pay for life, so make it worth it  (Pay Quotes) Difficulty is one of the prices that we pay for our blessings  (Pay Quotes) Some people pay a thousand dollars for a tattoo. This scar cost me twenty grand  (Pay Quotes) Know what is behind you, and pay particular attention to anything out of place  (Pay Quotes) The more we do, the busier we are, the less we really pay attention  (Pay Quotes) The brain doesn’t pay attention to boring things  (Pay Quotes) Pay per click was just the beginning. The real evolution is pay per action  (Pay Quotes) Pride also has a bill! Get ready to pay it!  (Pay Quotes) You can’t save the world if you can’t pay the rent  (Pay Quotes) How do we let people pay for music?  (Pay Quotes) We simply can’t feel fulfilled by love we pay for  (Pay Quotes) It’s not a real adventure when you have to pay for it  (Pay Quotes) The price you pay to win is nothing once you’ve made it!  (Pay Quotes) We pay for security with boredom, for adventure with bother  (Pay Quotes) I owe a lot to my teachers and mean to pay them back some day  (Pay Quotes) I want a regular pay cheque  (Pay Quotes) ... the greatest act of love is to pay attention  (Pay Quotes) You pay a price for everything in life  (Pay Quotes) Lesson number one: Pay attention to the intrusion of the camera  (Pay Quotes) It was satisfying to take a risk and see it pay off  (Pay Quotes) I do things my way and I pay a high price  (Pay Quotes) I had to pawn my clothes just to pay my rent  (Pay Quotes) Pushers don’t pay taxes  (Pay Quotes) Should we really let our people starve so we can pay our debts  (Pay Quotes) I’ve got to pay $5 for gas just like everybody else  (Pay Quotes)
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