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I just think old old movies, they make you concentrate and pay attention so much more. They feel so warm. A lot of modern digital videotape, it’s just too bright. Don’t know why, it’s not warm  (Pay Quotes) I know a man who doesn’t pay to have his trash taken out. How does he get rid of his trash? He gift wraps it, and puts in into an unlocked car  (Pay Quotes) I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor food; I offer only hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country with his heart, and not merely with his lips, follow me  (Pay Quotes) I pay attention to my diet to be a healthier gymnast, but I’m not obsessive over it  (Pay Quotes) I pretty much ignored politics all through my 20?s and 30?s... I had other things on my mind... the band, finding a meaningful relationship, getting enough money to eat and pay the rent  (Pay Quotes) I respect the state workers and I respect their unions, but we simply can’t afford to pay benefits and pensions that are out of line with economic reality  (Pay Quotes) I think a lot of times we don’t pay enough attention to people with a positive attitude because we assume they are naive or stupid or unschooled  (Pay Quotes) I used to be a real prince charming if I went on a date with a girl. But then I’d get to where I was likely to have a stroke from the stress of keeping up my act. I’ve since learned the key to a good date is to pay attention on her  (Pay Quotes) I’ve always been driven by the concept of equal justice under the law, but only the rich can pay great sums of money for legal assistance and that puts them at an advantage over the poor  (Pay Quotes) If it’s really so wonderful that both partners have to work to make a living to pay for their house, for health insurance, someone is obviously going to get the short end of the stick  (Pay Quotes) If you don’t pay attention and if your imagination isn’t pretty much engaged, you’re going to miss things and you’re going to miss opportunities for it to be as compelling and as creepy as it can be  (Pay Quotes) In recent years personal injury attorneys and trial lawyers have attacked the food industry with numerous lawsuits alleging that these businesses should pay monetary damages to those who, of their own accord, consume too much of a legal, safe product  (Pay Quotes) It costs a lot to sue a magazine, and it’s too bad that we don’t have a system where the losing team has to pay the winning team’s lawyers  (Pay Quotes) It’s funny about men and women. Men pay in cash to get them and pay in cash to get rid of them. Women pay emotionally coming and going. Neither has it easy  (Pay Quotes) It’s one thing to work women into your talking points. It’s another to tell them how you are going to educate their kids, how you are going to ensure they get health care, how we are going to rebuild infrastructure, how they are going to get equal pay  (Pay Quotes) Money won’t buy happiness, but it will pay the salaries of a large research staff to study the problem  (Pay Quotes) My dad said if you become a tennis professional just make sure you get into the top hundred, because you have to make a little bit of money. You make a living so you can pay your coaching and, you know, your travels  (Pay Quotes) My doctor gave me six months to live, but when I couldn’t pay the bill he gave me six months more  (Pay Quotes) Nobody’s ever asked me to pay for a meal before I’ve eaten it, I’ve never been pulled over just because I was driving the wrong kind of car in the wrong kind of area at the wrong time of night  (Pay Quotes) Our promise to our children should be this: if you do well in school, we will pay for you to obtain a college degree  (Pay Quotes) People aren’t just paying more to fill their gas tanks or when they pay for their heating bills for their home; they are paying more at the grocery store, on air travel and for many other daily expenses  (Pay Quotes) Some people are willing to pay the price and it’s the same with staying healthy or eating healthy. There’s some discipline involved. There’s some sacrifices  (Pay Quotes) Teachers make a difference, and we would serve our students better by focusing on attracting and retaining the quality teachers by raising teacher pay  (Pay Quotes) The complaint of bad pay, and difficulty in obtaining it, is almost generally reiterated through every department of education  (Pay Quotes) The forgotten man... He works, he votes, generally he prays, but his chief business in life is to pay  (Pay Quotes) The problem is that borrowing money to pay back more borrowed money that will oblige you in the future to borrow even more money doesn’t sound kosher. Because it isn’t  (Pay Quotes) There is nothing can pay one for that invaluable ignorance which is the companion of youth, those sanguine groundless hopes, and that lively vanity which makes all the happiness of life  (Pay Quotes) They don’t make you pay for the humor. It’s up and down, but they’re trying to give you as many laughs as possible in 2 minutes. They are the most honest comedians ever  (Pay Quotes) To keep it simple you run your gym like you run your house. Keep it clean and in good running order. No jerks allowed, members pay on time and if they give you any crap, throw them out. There’s peace where there’s order  (Pay Quotes) To tell you the truth I am hard put to think of anyone who’s career was affected significantly by making all those phone calls and I must be wrong. I must be wrong! Because it has just got to pay off!  (Pay Quotes)
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