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You have to pay a lot of attention to what’s important, what’s permanent, what’s real  (Pay Quotes) It’s a question of spreading the available energy, aerobic and anaerobic, evenly over four minutes. If you run one part too fast, you pay a price. If you run another part more slowly your overall time is slower  (Pay Quotes) I used to be a good party boy. I’m old. I’m an old man. You pay the consequences. I’m just fine with a couple of drinks, no more than that  (Pay Quotes) I guess if you’re lucky enough not to have to pay your rent, then you or I take much more seriously the kind of work that I do, what it takes for me to leave two teenagers of my own and six stepchildren and a husband and four grandchildren  (Pay Quotes) This world is run with far too tight a rein for luck to interfere. Fortune sells her wares; she never gives them. In some form or other, we pay for her favors; or we go empty away  (Pay Quotes) I may sometimes be willing to teach for nothing, but if paid at all, I shall never do a man’s work for less than a man’s pay  (Pay Quotes) I love the stage, I love the process of acting in theatre, but unfortunately, it doesn’t pay the bills  (Pay Quotes) You shouldn’t have to pay for your love with your bones and your flesh  (Pay Quotes) I’m pretty upfront about my love and admiration for the military. One of the perks of making movies is that you get to sort of follow your own passions, and I believe quite passionately that we don’t pay enough attention and respect to our veterans. Not just our wounded veterans, but all veterans  (Pay Quotes) When people pay to see you live, they connect with you on a much deeper level than people who just buy your records  (Pay Quotes) Bats have no bankers and they do not drink and cannot be arrested and pay no tax and, in general, bats have it made  (Pay Quotes) If there was a payment to the bank due, and we needed shoes, she’d get the shoes, and then deal with them guys at the bank. I don’t mean she wouldn’t pay the bank, but the children always came first  (Pay Quotes) Most families need both parents to work. Moms need to be able to work and earn fair pay and have the flexibility in their jobs to also be primary caretakers  (Pay Quotes) The way things are going, we are not too far from the day when it will take an hour’s labor just to pay for the gasoline to get to the job  (Pay Quotes) The actors are in control, getting outrageous amounts of money. The reason they’re getting this kind of money is because the studios don’t know what else to do. They don’t have a clue about what to do except to pay an actor a lot of money  (Pay Quotes) For a long time, my shows were about people walking out or about getting my gigs canceled or having the presenter not wanting to pay me  (Pay Quotes) People respected my experience, they hire me, they pay me what I am worth to coach their team  (Pay Quotes) I think that we have a responsibility to make certain that we are fiscally responsible in order to assure, frankly, future generations don’t have to pay our bills  (Pay Quotes) If I could have drawn a cat yelling for lasagna every day for 15 years and have them pay me $30 million to do so, I would have  (Pay Quotes) Anyone who’s tried to pay a heating bill, fill a prescription, or simply buy groceries knows all too well that the current minimum wage does not cut the mustard  (Pay Quotes) And usually the studios they don’t want you to have credit for your movies because they want to take credit for the movies because if you get credit for your movies they’ve got to pay you more  (Pay Quotes) When we leave money in the hands of taxpayers, they buy things, they pay taxes, they grow government  (Pay Quotes) We must send the message that if you use illegal drugs, you will pay the ultimate price by not playing an entire season. And if you get caught again, you will be banished for life  (Pay Quotes) Mystery makes movie stars! If you see someone on the cover of the weeklies all the time, why would you want to pay to see them in a movie?  (Pay Quotes) There is a hugely underserved population out there... those who are the least capable of paying pay the highest  (Pay Quotes) We will cut programs, we will try to rein in the size of the bureaucracy. We will bring federal pay scales that have become so exaggerated into line with market rates  (Pay Quotes) Thirteen thousand dollars a year is not enough to raise a family. That’s not enough to pay your bills and save for their future. That’s barely enough to provide for even the most basic needs  (Pay Quotes) If you stick with a vision, it might not all work, but some of it will be absolute genius. To me, 15 minutes worth of absolute genius in a film is so much better than two hours of mediocrity. I would rather pay to see something different like that  (Pay Quotes) You have to pay attention to the moment and make it the best it can be for you. I’ve been trying to do that. It’s really made a major difference for me. I’m a happier person  (Pay Quotes) The unions claim the deck is stacked against them when it comes to labor laws, but the truth is many private and public sector workers are forced to pay union dues as a condition of their employment, yet they have little say in how the unions spend their money  (Pay Quotes)
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