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I wouldn’t pretend to tell you we don’t pay our lawyers well  (Pay Quotes) The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity  (Pay Quotes) There is no more reason to pay for private education than there is to pay for a private swimming pool for those who do not use public facilities  (Pay Quotes) When the size of the group supporting your cause reaches a critical mass, any legislator or elected official has to pay attention  (Pay Quotes) Tears are the natural penalties of pleasure. It is a law that we should pay for all that we enjoy  (Pay Quotes) I save money when I’m working so that I never have to take a role simply to pay the bills  (Pay Quotes) Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure  (Pay Quotes) Credit card companies pay college students generously to stand outside dining halls, dorms, and academic buildings and encourage their fellow students to apply for credit cards  (Pay Quotes) I really pay attention to the bass in the music I listen to, and that’s what I tend to write toward  (Pay Quotes) I’m trying not to pay too much attention to the rankings because calculations can distract you  (Pay Quotes) Chance is the one thing you can’t buy. You have to pay for it and you have to pay for it with your life, spending a lot of time, you pay for it with time, not the wasting of time but the spending of time  (Pay Quotes) I don’t know anyone who ever got deferred pay. I’m the first of my friends to ever actually get a deferred paycheck  (Pay Quotes) Borrowing to pay for college used to be the exception; now it’s the rule  (Pay Quotes) I’m in five guilds; that’s a lot of dues to pay. So I have to keep on working  (Pay Quotes) Women must pay for everything. They do get more glory than men for comparable feats, but, they also get more notoriety when they crash  (Pay Quotes) You learn a lot more from the lows because it makes you pay attention to what you’re doing  (Pay Quotes) An hour of my time is a tiny price to pay for all the support I’ve gotten from my fans  (Pay Quotes) I can pay my rent now. I guess I could always do that, but now I can get an apartment with heat  (Pay Quotes) When the show is over we still have to pay our rent, we have to buy food. We have to do all the same things that you do  (Pay Quotes) Now we are raising the debt limit 3 times, up to $8 trillion, so that our children and our grandchildren will have to pay for the cost of our expenditures  (Pay Quotes) Thirty years ago, many economists argued that inflation was a kind of minor inconvenience and that the cost of reducing inflation was too high a price to pay. No one would make those arguments today  (Pay Quotes) We pay some price when necessary to bring down inflation but that price is temporary and is not large relative to the permanent gain from reduced inflation  (Pay Quotes) Brushes are crucial for applying glazes, sauces, and oils. The pastry brushes that you find in homestores can be pricey so pay a visit to your local hardware store and pick up a few paint brushes which are less expensive and work equally as well  (Pay Quotes) I’m used to the golf course playing soft, so tomorrow I’m going to have to pay attention a little bit more  (Pay Quotes) I thought that I was going to have to pay them to do what I wanted to do, that was how much fun I was having. You’re 20 years old and you’re hanging out with rock stars and going to fabulous parties, and then you talk about it!  (Pay Quotes) Unfortunately, the greatest photographers don’t pay extreme attention to the clothes. If they decide to put a dress in a bathtub or in front of a cow in the countryside with dirt everywhere, well, the dresses come back... ready to be put in the garbage  (Pay Quotes) To pay out millions upon millions of dollars in bonuses for incomplete work, poor performance, and unacceptable products is the height of government waste and mismanagement  (Pay Quotes) Cause I can make more money going in and doing my recordings and selling them through my entities that I have, rather than going to a record co. and them release a record and pay me 5 percent of what they make off it  (Pay Quotes) Without pay, no human being will work up to their ability if he or she is not cared for and respected  (Pay Quotes) Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work, driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for, in order to get to a job that you need so you can pay for the clothes, car and the house that you leave empty all day in order to afford to live in it  (Pay Quotes)
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