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The most important tribute any human being can pay to a poem or a piece of prose he or she really loves is to learn it by heart. Not by brain, by heart; the expression is vital  (Pay Quotes) It has no enforceable standards to stop a union from conspiring with employers to keep another stronger union out or from negotiating contracts with lower pay and standards that members of another union have spent a lifetime establishing  (Pay Quotes) All camps are hard, that’s what they’re intended to be. They make you focus when you’re tired, when you don’t feel like doing things, and to see how long you can retain and pay attention  (Pay Quotes) I had my electricity turned off three times because I never had time to pay my bills. It was a joke. I’m making a ton of money, and I’m walking around my apartment with flashlights  (Pay Quotes) There are criminals who are drug users, but most addicts are criminals only by virtue of prohibition or from resorting to crime to pay inflated black market prices  (Pay Quotes) If a player demonstrated that he is the best, and a team decides, even so, we don’t want to pay him, as in any other business, he should be able to play elsewhere  (Pay Quotes) And once you cross over into that world, no matter how strong you are, you have to pay the price  (Pay Quotes) It is almost an intellectual tradition to pay heed to the insane. In my case those that I most respect are the morons  (Pay Quotes) Risks, I like to say, always pay off. You learn what to do, or what not to do  (Pay Quotes) Had enough of my poetry yet? That’s why they pay me to fight demons instead  (Pay Quotes) People think that it’s their sovereign right to download music and not have to pay for it  (Pay Quotes) Emotions get in the way but they don’t pay me to start crying at the loss of 269 lives. They pay me to put some perspective on the situation  (Pay Quotes) The real danger with debt is what happens if lots of people decide, or are forced, to pay it off at the same time  (Pay Quotes) For a while there, I was a stringer. The expression comes from the old habit of stringing together the column inches that you had written. They’d measure it and pay you 10 cents an inch for your printed copy  (Pay Quotes) If you’re not paying for it through the health plan, you pay for it in the emergency room  (Pay Quotes) I dress up for awards, but only if somebody else is going to pay for the clothes. And shop for them, too!  (Pay Quotes) I’m not a coach and I know it. I’m too busy and it doesn’t pay. I’m expensive. But I would always advise  (Pay Quotes) I got into a bad jag of movies that helped pay the rent and I thought would help further me along  (Pay Quotes) Just all that hard work, all those hours in the pool, I feel like it’s about to pay off. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see this summer  (Pay Quotes) Basically, all my life I’d been told you can’t do that because you’re female. So I guess I just didn’t pay any attention. I just went ahead and did what I could and then, when the stars aligned, I was ready  (Pay Quotes) I probably made a few pictures I shouldn’t have done, but I have four sons and I have to pay the rent. If you have a decision to make about whether or not you can buy groceries at the market or whether or not you’re going to make a bad movie, you’re going to make a bad movie  (Pay Quotes) So many celebrity websites you go to are so sterile that you know they just pay somebody to do it and there’s not even an ounce of them in it  (Pay Quotes) Award trophies, as opposed to letting the players define and claim their own. Ultimately, pay them to play so that their activity not only resembles work but is work  (Pay Quotes) What a holler would ensue if people had to pay the minister as much to marry them as they have to pay a lawyer to get them a divorce  (Pay Quotes) I make money because I have to pay for everything apart from my school fees. My mother even makes me pay my own telephone bill  (Pay Quotes) Who quick be to borrow and slow be to pay, their credit is naught, go they ever so gay  (Pay Quotes) If I was a bad character that got away with murder like we see on other shows, I do not think I would like it because that sends a message that you can do these horrible things and never pay for it  (Pay Quotes) Let’s face it. Umpiring is not an easy or happy way to make a living. In the abuse they suffer, and the pay they get for it, you see an imbalance that can only be explained by their need to stay close to a game they can’t resist  (Pay Quotes) Well the press and things like that are pretty hard core, but I don’t pay too much attention to that  (Pay Quotes) You have to pay attention to the work on the page and make it as good as possible because it could be your last  (Pay Quotes)
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