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Life is complex. You don’t have any person who is nice from the beginning until the end. You don’t always have the notion of redemption. The bad people don’t always pay  (Pay Quotes) You can’t pay for healthcare if we’re sending a trillion dollars a year to dictators  (Pay Quotes) I try not to pay any attention to clothes fascism and I’d rather be thought of as someone who has his own sense of style  (Pay Quotes) I think I’ve been around for a while. But I still have to pay my dues  (Pay Quotes) Being responsible and taking care of your body is truly how you make your pay cheque, how you excel and succeed in your lifelong goals, so for me it’s just an everyday lifestyle  (Pay Quotes) Because I’m just a giving person spiritually, I feel that if your intentions are to use or abuse or take advantage of, then you might get what you get in the meantime, but there’s still a price to pay  (Pay Quotes) The only reason I got into broadcasting was, I needed money to pay for my junior and senior years at college, and they hired me, those fools!  (Pay Quotes) A good teacher who can take the zero pay and help kids develop physically, emotionally, socially, is literally an angel  (Pay Quotes) It is hard to get animals which normally pay little attention to each other to do things together. One can teach dolphins to jump simultaneously out of the water precisely because they show similar behavior spontaneously, but try to make two domestic cats jump together and you will fail  (Pay Quotes) What do you want your business to do? Make money, of course. To pay for people and supplies, to be able to grow  (Pay Quotes) Those in power have made it so we have to pay simply to exist on the planet. We have to pay for a place to sleep, and we have to pay for food. If we don’t, people with guns come and force us to pay. That’s violent  (Pay Quotes) He wanted to pay her; he thought women ought to be paid for keeping men from dying or going out of their minds  (Pay Quotes) Clean up your own backyard. Change by example. Just be the way you want others to be and hope they pay attention  (Pay Quotes) Now is the only time there is. Make your now wow, your minutes miracles, and your days pay. Your life will have been magnificently lived and invested, and when you die you will have made a difference  (Pay Quotes) Pain and suffering, they are a secret. Kindness and love, they are a secret. But I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering  (Pay Quotes) You got to pay your dues if you want to sing the blues... And you know it don’t come easy  (Pay Quotes) We all had to pay, but not for the crimes we were accused of. There were other scores to settle  (Pay Quotes) Before a man’s forty, girls cost nothing. After that you have to pay money, or tell a story. Of the two, it’s the story that hurts most. Anyway I’m not forty yet  (Pay Quotes) It’s funny how strangers can pass in front of you every day and all you see is a flat shadow, a vague outline, not noticing any of the details. They move in a gray crowd, always looking the same and acting the same, simple caricatures of who they really are, but once you get to know them, you notice the specific, tiniest things, you pay attention to the intricacies of their personalities, their habits and particular ways of walking and talking, the subtle changes in their appearance and dress  (Pay Quotes) Ah, youth. It’s like heroin you’ve smoked instead of snorted. Gone so fast you can’t believe you still have to pay for it  (Pay Quotes) Fidelity, enforced and unto death, is the price you pay for the kind of love you never want to give up, for someone you want to hold forever, tighter and tighter, whether he’s close or far away, someone who becomes dearer to you the more you’ve sacrificed for his sake  (Pay Quotes) Not fault of teaching spider if little spider pay more attention to catching fly than doing lesson  (Pay Quotes) I might have made a tactical error not going to a physician for 20 years. It was one of those phobias that didn’t pay off  (Pay Quotes) We pay for sins we do not remember, and seek to do a will we can scarce fathom. That is what it is, to be a god’s chosen  (Pay Quotes) If you are a success in life, there are places you must go and pay to be humiliated. It is an unwritten law that human beings must be tormented throughout their lives in one way or another. If you are fortunate enough to have risen to a social level where no one does it to you for free, then you must pay for the service  (Pay Quotes) The main thing to do is pay attention. Pay close attention to everything, notice what no one else notices. Then you’ll know what no one else knows, and that’s always useful  (Pay Quotes) I should start charging uncomfortable thoughts rent. Except what would they pay me in? Probably something even worse  (Pay Quotes) One thing I know is that it is a bad idea to marry someone who had bad parents. If they hated their mother, if they were hated by their mother or father, your marriage will pay for it in ways both obvious and subtle. When the chips are down, when someone is sick or loses their job or gets scared, the old patterns will kick in and he will treat you the way he treated his mother or the way she treated him  (Pay Quotes) It’s all about getting the hand of things. Easy does it; take it easy. You’ll figure everything out in time. But for right now, just keep trying. Pay attention and avoid the temptation to go further than you’re ready. Talk less. And listen more  (Pay Quotes) There are three things that none of the young men of the present generation can do.They can’t sit over their wine;they can’t play at wist;and they can’t pay a lady a compliment  (Pay Quotes)
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