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If you want the ultimate thrill, you’ve got to be willing to pay the ultimate price  (Pay Quotes) What you pay attention to grows. Pay attention to your loveliness, your magnificent self. Begin now  (Pay Quotes) If you pay attention to when you are hungry, what your body wants, what you are eating, when you’ve had enough, you end the obsession because obsession and awareness cannot coexist  (Pay Quotes) I prefer theater and film. I did a little television, and obviously I’m not knocking it. It can be great, and it does pay the bills. But it’s a little bit more disjointed  (Pay Quotes) Accumulating injuries are the price we pay for the thrill of not having sat around on our asses  (Pay Quotes) The difference between the price we pay for a stock and its liquidation value gives us a margin of safety. This kind of investing is one of the most effective ways of achieving good long term results  (Pay Quotes) Poor people of all colors are getting poorer and our communities are getting more toxic. There is a misconception that to grow our economy we will have to do business as usual, because cleaning up the environment, mitigating climate change is just too costly. Well, I say the business of poverty is just too expensive a bill for humanity to pay any longer  (Pay Quotes) Compared to their sense of smell, dogs seem to pay a lot less attention to their sense of taste. Apparently they believe that if something fits into their mouths, then it is food, no matter what it tastes like  (Pay Quotes) I never pay attention to age or gender. There are just too many other more important things to consider  (Pay Quotes) The reason producers make stupid movies is because there are stupid people who will pay to see them  (Pay Quotes) It is easier to talk than to listen. Pay attention to your clients, your users, your readers, and your friends. Your design will get better as you listen to other people  (Pay Quotes) Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into the conversation. Pay attention to everything in the world as if it’s alive. Realize everything has its own discrete existence outside your story. By doing this, you open to gifts and lessons that the world has to give you  (Pay Quotes) It is not, of course, the subject that is or isn’t dull, but the quality of attention that we do or do not pay to it. Dull subjects are those we have failed  (Pay Quotes) To truly live without regrets, pay attention. Ask yourself hard questions and see where they lead. Do I really want this job? Is this relationship right for me? If I could do anything, would it be what I’m doing today... or something different?  (Pay Quotes) Religion, like water, may be free, but when they pipe it to you, you’ve got to help pay for the piping. And the piper  (Pay Quotes) Everybody isn’t your friend. Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn’t mean they’re for you. Just because they say they got got your back, doesn’t mean they won’t stab you in it. People pretend well. Jealousy sometimes doesn’t live far. So know your circle. At the end of the day real situations expose fake people so pay attention  (Pay Quotes) Vipassana arises as you pay awareness to the inner and outer experience unfolding at the present moment. Vipassana is not associated with any rigid formula or methods. Whenever you are aware of your mental or physical feelings like tension in the muscles, movement of limbs, stiffness, heat or cold, you have begun to develop special understanding of realities  (Pay Quotes) The vicarious responsibility for things we have not done, this taking upon ourselves the consequences for things we are entirely innocent of, is the price we pay for the fact that we live our lives not by ourselves but among our fellow men, and that the faculty of action, which, after all, is the political faculty par excellence, can be actualized only as one of the many and manifold forces of human community  (Pay Quotes) Become a good noticer. Pay attention to the feelings, hunches, and intuitions that flood your life each day. If you do, you will see that premonitions are not rare, but a natural part of our lives  (Pay Quotes) It’s a big pay off when I see a woman wearing my stuff. It’s really gratifying  (Pay Quotes) We name one thing and then another. That’s how time enters poetry. Space, on the other hand, comes into being through the attention we pay to each word. The more intense our attention, the more space, and there’s a lot of space inside words  (Pay Quotes) There are no short cuts. If you want to do something special, there’s a serious price to pay. There’s no way around it  (Pay Quotes) Congratulations offer more potential than cash. The amount of available cash is limited, but managers have an unlimited supply of congratulations. It’s important to pay people fairly, but managers also should heap on congratulations and feed people’s souls  (Pay Quotes) Why should we try for space travel? It cannot be a substance of any kind that can be expected to pay. It can only be something intangible, not involving haulage, which is at the same time more valuable. There is something like that: Knowledge  (Pay Quotes) The only ones who will see an increase in pay are some of the trial lawyers who bring the cases  (Pay Quotes) Most people I know that have work that is very meaningful to them pay the price of having to work all the time  (Pay Quotes) What does jealousy indicate? Jealousy is love manifested in the physical world. If you are jealous you have a debt to pay; if someone is jealous of you, he has a debt to pay to you  (Pay Quotes) I don’t care what your politics are, but I do suggest you pay attention to the next election and go out and vote. It doesn’t matter; you can believe whatever you want to believe, but this is the time everybody should be paying a lot of attention  (Pay Quotes) Leaders is the new organisation do not lack motivational tools, but the tools are different from those of traditional corporate bureaucrats. The new rewards are based not on status but on contribution, and they consist not of regular promotion and automatic pay rises, but of excitement about the mission and a share of the glory of success  (Pay Quotes) Even through you and I are in different boats, you in your boat and we our canoe, we share the same river of life. What befalls me befalls you. And downstream, downstream in this river of life, our children will pay for our selfishness, for our greed, and for our lack of vision  (Pay Quotes)
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