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The legend of the jungle heritage and the evolution of man as a hunting carnivore has taken root in man’s mind... He may even believe that equal pay will do something terrible to his gonads  (Pay Quotes) One cannot demand of art that it pay you in any other way than in the satisfaction of the work itself  (Pay Quotes) Fame is fleeting, and you can’t get caught up in it. Signing autographs, taking pictures, and being nice to people is a small price to pay for the upside that comes with this  (Pay Quotes) Directing is a nice job. It’s the best job for me. If I had to pay money to do it, I would do it... Directing is playing. Acting  (Pay Quotes) Healing opportunities can be disguised as people who really piss you off. Pay attention because they could be your greatest teachers  (Pay Quotes) First of all, a man, whether seeking achievement on the athletic field or in business, must want to win. He must feel that the thing he is doing is worthwhile; so worthwhile that he is willing to pay the price of success to attain distinction  (Pay Quotes) I caution writers all the time to slow down and pay more attention to the work in front of them than to the end result. I don’t think you write one book and get anywhere. I think you write five books and then maybe you are finally on the right path  (Pay Quotes) I take pride in working very hard. You need to understand that hard work doesn’t instantly pay off. My career grew gradually and taught me a lesson every step of the way  (Pay Quotes) I realize that if I were stable, prudent and static; I’d live in death. Therefore I accept confusion, uncertainty, fear and emotional ups and downs; because that’s the price I’m willing to pay for a fluid, perplexed and exciting life  (Pay Quotes) In every human being there is both garbage and gold, it is up to us to choose what we pay attention to  (Pay Quotes) Maybe I’m a bad feminist, but I am deeply committed to the issues important to the feminist movement. I have strong opinions about misogyny, institutional sexism that consistently places women at a disadvantage, the inequity in pay, the cult of beauty and thinness, the repeated attacks on reproductive freedom, violence against women, and on and on. I am as committed to fighting fiercely for equality as I am committed to disrupting the notion that there is an essential feminism  (Pay Quotes) To take full advantage of computer animation, you have to pay as much attention to the believable as you do the unbelievable  (Pay Quotes) As you get older you feel you need to pay more attention to what is around you and relish it. I’m greedy for beauty  (Pay Quotes) Most songs come from being attentive. Attentive to life, attentive to scripture, attentive to your heart. Pay attention!  (Pay Quotes) We’re only here for a short while. And I think it’s such a lucky accident, having been born, that we’re almost obliged to pay attention  (Pay Quotes) Perhaps the most important rule is to hold on to your winners and cut your losers. Both are equally important. If you don’t stay with your winners, you are not going to be able to pay for the losers  (Pay Quotes) We wouldn’t pay to rent and watch the same painful movie two hundred fifty times, but somehow we let our mind replay a bad memory over and over, each time experiencing the same distress and shame  (Pay Quotes) For the world to become a better place, someone has to pay a price, I think it’s glorious to sacrifice for the sake of social progress and fighting injustice  (Pay Quotes) I’m just kind of odd. There are dark forces in the world, and if you pay attention to what’s going on around you, you end up incorporating it into the storytelling. Maybe it’s some aspect of myself that’s coming through that people are seeing, that I am in fact a quiet psycho  (Pay Quotes) Providing accurate portrayals of characters is something I want to pay ample attention to. If I don’t stick to that thought, then we’d have to lower the quality or break the balance of the game. Something that goes way off spec could break the entire game  (Pay Quotes) It always amazes me when people go rent horses and ride them. You mean you want me to pay you to ride a horse?  (Pay Quotes) As the oldest I was a daddys girl and loved him with all my heart. My daddy had holes in his shoes so that he could pay for my photography classes, you know what I mean  (Pay Quotes) I’m very grateful that I have one of those faces that seems to blend back into the crowd. A lot of people pay lip service to wanting a normal life, but it’s actually very important to me  (Pay Quotes) I have a real passion for driving. Earlier on in my life I wanted to be a race car driver. But I don’t pay an extortionate amount of money for cars. I’m pretty frugal  (Pay Quotes) I think you pay people based on their work and not based on gender. It’s that simple  (Pay Quotes) Actors and writers need to come back to the theater because it’s a place where you can learn. You have to pay your dues, and people who haven’t paid their dues in the theater, I think, have a hard time creating a whole career  (Pay Quotes) You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow they will be a little bigger then they are today. This day is a gift. Breathe and notice. Smell and touch them; study their faces and little feet and pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today mama. It will be over before you know it  (Pay Quotes) A great company is not a great investment if you pay too much for the stock  (Pay Quotes) I like things that are immature and offbeat and bizarre. Random jokes. Weird stuff. And stupid. Stupid is the highest compliment a person can pay to me  (Pay Quotes) Dogs will give you unconditional love until the day they die. Cats will make you pay for every mistake you’ve ever made since the day you were born  (Pay Quotes)
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