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What I wanted to do was to earn enough money to pay for my mother’s house. When my mother passed away, I wanted to buy it from the rest of my family and keep the house in the family. That was the only reason I even attempted writing for money  (Pay Quotes) For me, it seems to help me take the pressure off if I don’t pay attention to what other people are telling me  (Pay Quotes) Americans don’t pay much attention to environmental issues, because they aren’t sexy. I mean, cleaning up coal plants and reining in outlaw frackers is hugely important work, but it doesn’t get anybody’s pulse racing  (Pay Quotes) If you are doing well, your business will pay more in tax; if you’re not doing well, you pay less  (Pay Quotes) I just felt like I couldn’t deal with the everyday responsibilities of life, paying bills and all of that. I’m terrible at all of that. So I knew I had to make enough money to pay someone else to deal with all of that  (Pay Quotes) When I left school, I got a job in a shoe shop and I used to save 15 quid a week and pay for my own singing and acting lessons  (Pay Quotes) Sometimes you do a film because the script is amazing, sometimes you do it because you get to work with amazing people, and sometimes you do a film because they pay you money  (Pay Quotes) I always hustled to make money and pay for school. I was never afraid of hard work  (Pay Quotes) Natural fact is, I can’t pay my taxes. Make me wanna holler and throw up on my hands  (Pay Quotes) They came in the thousands from the whole human race to pay their respects at his last resting place  (Pay Quotes) You can laugh at my behavior that will never bother me, say the devil is my savior, but I don’t pay no heed  (Pay Quotes) Our tradition in this country has not been to deny health information to interested individuals when they claim that they can handle it and are willing to pay for the cost of getting it  (Pay Quotes) Some taxpayers close their eyes, some stop their ears, some shut their mouths, but all pay through the nose  (Pay Quotes) Stealing is a lazy man’s way. Something for nothing, leaves you hell to pay  (Pay Quotes) I pay about a third in taxes, I give away about a third, and I follow the law  (Pay Quotes) Governments that use violence to stop democratic development will not earn themselves respite forever. They will pay an increasingly high price for actions which they can no longer hide from the world with ease, and will find themselves on the wrong side of history  (Pay Quotes) We don’t want to give a business that is not going to come through the troubled waters a loan that they can’t pay back  (Pay Quotes) You do what you do and you pay for your sins and there’s no such thing as what might have been  (Pay Quotes) I am interested in imperfections, quirkiness, insanity, unpredictability. That’s what we really pay attention to anyway. We don’t talk about planes flying; we talk about them crashing  (Pay Quotes) One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself  (Pay Quotes) You get social pressure from your parents, who teach you to pay attention to certain things and not to others. You get it in school  (Pay Quotes) I may not be wealthy; I’m living from pay check to pay check, but I get to make movies, which is what I love to do  (Pay Quotes) Kids and adults pay a price for too much tech, and it’s not wholesale  (Pay Quotes) My favorite films, I would put my answering machine up to the television set and hit record. I’d tape my favorite movies and then I could go back and listen to them again. I only had the soundtrack, I didn’t have the visuals. But I think it made me really pay attention to the soundtracks  (Pay Quotes) When I write, I don’t allow the fear of consequences to interfere with the writing process. I have in the past paid for my commitment to the truth and the way I live my life. I am prepared to pay more if I have to  (Pay Quotes) Buddy, you might think that I’ve lost my mind. But mister, I’d pay twice to do it one more time  (Pay Quotes) The currency of blogging is authenticity and trust... you pay folks to blog about a product and you compromise that. I would almost care about this, but it’s so obvious to everyone that this is either a joke or an idiot that there is nothing more to say  (Pay Quotes) I got told so many times I needed a manager. For a long time I resisted, and I finally got one so I can pay my mortgage, and it helped me from becoming a homeless person  (Pay Quotes) I think that people will always want music; I think that the form that they will get it in, or distributed to them from, and the price they pay for it is what’s up in question  (Pay Quotes) Well, I’ve been a professional racer for nine years. And if I could get it to pay me as much as acting, I’d give up all the rest in a second. Working in television, however, has made me accustomed to a certain lifestyle that I’d like to maintain  (Pay Quotes)
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