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I’m so fortunate in that I’ve never had another job to pay a bill but acting, since the day I got out of high school  (Pay Quotes) Most employees want to be involved in a successful business and most employees are happy for people running successful businesses to be paid a reasonable wage and a market rate for it, provided they understand the reason. What they hate most of all is pay for failure  (Pay Quotes) People think that there is so much money in tennis, but the reality is unless you’re ranked in about the top 50 you don’t earn much at all. It is hard to support yourself travelling the world, to be away from home most of the year and to pay for a coach to help you become a better player  (Pay Quotes) It doesn’t pay to listen much to what human beings have to say in their evaluation of you, since they don’t evaluate themselves very properly  (Pay Quotes) We always had money problems. Sometimes I would lie awake at night wondering how to pay the rent  (Pay Quotes) Honestly, as hard a profession as acting is, I think music is even harder. Acting, you’re like a leech, because someone else does the hard part for you. They write it for you, then the director tells you what to do. You really just need to know how to pay attention, follow instructions  (Pay Quotes) Friends, I’m angry about what’s happening in politics today! Why is it wrong to ask the wealthiest people and most profitable corporations to pay their fair share?  (Pay Quotes) There will always be ways to pay my rent, whether I wind up having to be a waitress on the side or whatever it is, but I think it’s so important for me to do things that I’m passionate about  (Pay Quotes) I’ve done stuff to pay my dues and that’s what actors are supposed to do, because I was a really bad actor when I was 18 or 20  (Pay Quotes) My children, who are almost two: watching them develop has made me pay much closer attention to how we become who we are  (Pay Quotes) In every union roles are assumed, some traditional, some not. My husband used to pay his own bills, I used to call my own repairman. But as marriages progress, you surrender areas of your own competence, often without even knowing it  (Pay Quotes) We can’t tell particularly smart stories if we want to keep our audience big enough to pay for these big spectacle films that we want to do  (Pay Quotes) The internal and external ethics of an organization must be the same; you cannot talk about minimum wages for poor people and not pay minimum wages to your own workers  (Pay Quotes) The power of hope! Even a lack of ambition can, for a time, pay off as a necessary facet, as long as hope outweighs it  (Pay Quotes) I was so focused at 21, maybe to my own detriment because I didn’t allow myself to have fun. I was constantly looking for the next audition and working to pay the bills  (Pay Quotes) I’ve always considered myself a physical person. I don’t call myself a farm girl, but I did spend a lot of years shoveling manure and throwing hay, because I worked to pay most of my riding expenses  (Pay Quotes) What you want is for music to love you back. That’s why you pay your dues. You want to feel like you belong and are part of this symbiosis, metamorphosis, whatever you want to call it  (Pay Quotes) The primary problem is to learn to be your own toughest critic. You have to pay attention to intelligent work, and to work at the same time. You see. I mean, you’ve got to bounce off better work. It’s matter of working  (Pay Quotes) We cannot distribute more wealth than is created. We cannot in the long run pay labor as a whole more than it produces  (Pay Quotes) Firms don’t just try to pay as little as possible to get the needed bodies on board; when there is unemployment, they ask themselves how wage cuts would affect the behavior of the employees. Would they quit or feel dissatisfied and work less hard on the firm’s behalf if they feel that wage policies are unfair?  (Pay Quotes) Respect talent. Get respect where respect is due, but don’t be caught up in yourself where you do things obliviously and not pay attention to what is going on  (Pay Quotes) People like me, whose income largely comes from dividends, should pay more taxes. The problem is that taxes aren’t used efficiently  (Pay Quotes) Character is developed one positive action at a time. Therefore nothing is actually trivial in our lives. To grow in character development, pay attention to seemingly trivial matters. Someone who grows from each minor life event will eventually reach high levels of character perfection  (Pay Quotes) Grief is not a disorder, a disease or sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve  (Pay Quotes) If you see your nature, you don’t need to read sutras or invoke buddhas. Erudition and knowledge are not only useless but also cloud your awareness. Doctrines are only for pointing to the mind. Once you see your mind, why pay attention to doctrines?  (Pay Quotes) Lend your friend $20. If he doesn’t pay you back then he’s not your friend. Money well spent  (Pay Quotes) It sends the signal that you can kill and walk away and not face the kind of justice that you ought to pay for those kinds of acts  (Pay Quotes) Our thoughts will swim around and talk to us while we’re sitting there, make fun of us, ignore us. But if you pay attention, if you don’t look in the direction of your thoughts, you meditate  (Pay Quotes) Nobody likes taxes. I would prefer that none of us had to pay taxes, including myself  (Pay Quotes) There’s something wrong when hedge fund managers pay lower tax rates than nurses or the truckers  (Pay Quotes)
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