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I like the idea of a proportional tax. That way you pay according to your ability  (Pay Quotes) Every one of my works, when I’m looking back, becomes some kind of solution, or something to concentrate on. Something to pay attention to and maybe change direction  (Pay Quotes) People are not really that forgiving when they pay for tickets to come see you and you don’t show up  (Pay Quotes) Temples also take into consideration an ability to pay and, in a general sense, do not turn people away if there’s a need,  (Pay Quotes) Bring a lawsuit against a man who can pay; the poor man’s acts are not worth the expense  (Pay Quotes) Pay and the story rolls,.. Steal and the story folds. No stealing from the blind newsboy  (Pay Quotes) If you’re looking for work and have a choice of a job, choose a job that allows the opportunity for some creativity, and for spending time with your family. Even if it means less pay  (Pay Quotes) There’s a proud modesty in merit; averse from asking, and resolved to pay ten times the gifts it asks  (Pay Quotes) It was a dangerous profession I had chosen... because no one likes a funny kid. In fact, adults are scared silly of them and tend to warn children who act out that they are going to wind up in prison or worse. It is only when you grow up that they pay you vast sums of money to make them laugh  (Pay Quotes) What use is my mind? Granted that it enables me to hail a bus and to pay my fare. But once I am inside my studio, what use is my mind? I have my model, my pencil, my paints. My mind doesn’t interest me  (Pay Quotes) Every building you come out of, there is a parasite there exercising his constitutional right to make money out of being a parasite, trying to take your photo. Frankly, folks, I go to work, I do my job. I really concentrate, and if you go to the cinema, pay your money and have a good time. That’s the end of it, as far as I’m concerned  (Pay Quotes) Historically in restaurants, the service staff is awarded significantly higher wages than cooks and other staff who prepare the food on which a restaurant’s reputation is based. The gap in pay is so great that it is becoming increasingly difficult for young cooks to pursue their passion at the rate of pay restaurants are able to afford  (Pay Quotes) My deepest belief is that to live as if we’re dying can set us free. Dying people teach you to pay attention and to forgive and not to sweat the small things  (Pay Quotes) It is impossible to understand the history of economic thought if one does not pay attention to the fact that economics as such is a challenge to the conceit of those in power  (Pay Quotes) The only sensible way to regard the art life is that it is a privilege you are willing to pay for... You may cite honors and attentions and even money paid, but I would have you note that these were paid a long time after the creator had gone through his struggles  (Pay Quotes) I hear an almost inaudible but pervasive discontent with the price we pay for our current materialism. And I hear a fluttering of hope that there might be more to life than bread and circuses  (Pay Quotes) Men will spend their health getting wealth. Then, gladly pay all they have earned to get health back  (Pay Quotes) When one lives with problems of importance, the prostitute is ideal. You pay, and whether or not you fail is of no importance. She doesn’t care  (Pay Quotes) Ambition is an expensive impulse, one that requires an enormous investment of emotional capital. Like any investment, it can pay off in countless different kinds of coin  (Pay Quotes) Western governments should bear their responsibilities toward the welfare of their people and not try to make oil producers pay the costs  (Pay Quotes) We spend at least $5 for remedial education right now for every dollar we put in early childhood education. All the studies on early childhood education show this is going to pay for itself  (Pay Quotes) Like I always said, if I’m one of the top players in the game, pay me like I’m one of the top players in the game  (Pay Quotes) Art is only worth what people will pay for it. Artists do not get paid by the hour  (Pay Quotes) Pay more attention to the silence than to the sounds. Paying attention to outer silence creates inner silence: the mind becomes still. A portal is opening up  (Pay Quotes) The brain scientists are the wave of the future in the financial world. If you seek to maximize understanding, whether you’re in academia or in the investment community, you’d better pay serious attention to them  (Pay Quotes) The price we pay for our irresponsible explanatory urge is that we often spoil our most pleasant experiences by making good sense of them  (Pay Quotes) Europeans should pay more attention. Iran has called for dialogue and is moving in the direction of reaching an agreement through peaceful means  (Pay Quotes) For an interest to be rewarding, one must pay in discipline and dedication, especially though the difficult or boring stages which are inevitably encountered  (Pay Quotes) When you write something new about science, other scientists may not like it but they pay attention because it is subject to proof. When you write something new about art, it is subject only to the reader’s discomfort, and will probably be rejected  (Pay Quotes) Learning to focus and pay attention, if only for a short time, has been identified as a primary key to the development of human effectiveness  (Pay Quotes)
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