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It means being able to resist the urge for immediate gratification and opt for the course of action that will pay off later  (Pay Quotes) I’m having a bad day. I am not size six. My legs are not skinny as sticks, and dammit, someone’s got to pay. I’m afraid that I can’t satisfy myself and that my happiness depends on someone else. I feel weak, so you’re gonna take the fall. You’re so shallow  (Pay Quotes) If you can refine your skills and eliminate your mistakes, you will start winning. That’s the price you must pay to be successful in wrestling, and in most aspects of life  (Pay Quotes) Every time somebody has thought of relief for the farmer it has been to make it so he could borrow more money. What he needs is some way to pay back. Not some way to borrow more  (Pay Quotes) Millions and millions of people don’t pay an income tax, because they don’t earn enough to pay on one, but you pay a land tax whether it ever did or ever will earn you a penny. You should pay on things that you buy outside of bare necessities. I think this sales tax is the best tax we have had in years  (Pay Quotes) If he does not plant the field that was given over to him as a garden, if it be arable land, the gardener shall pay the owner the produce of the field for the years that he let it lie fallow, according to the product of neighboring fields, put the field in arable condition and return it to its owner  (Pay Quotes) Make sure you pay attention to what’s right with your life, not just what’s wrong  (Pay Quotes) It is a good thing that we do not get as much government as we pay for  (Pay Quotes) The difference between the best worker on computer hardware and the average may be 2 to 1, if you’re lucky. With automobiles, maybe 2 to 1. But in software, it’s at least 25 to 1. The difference between the average programmer and a great one is at least that. The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world. And when you’re in a field where the dynamic range is 25 to 1, boy, does it pay off  (Pay Quotes) Politics are receiving a lot of attention because we have nothing else to interest us. No nation in the history of the world was ever sitting as pretty. If we want anything, all we have to do is go and buy it on credit. So that leaves us without any economic problem whatever, except perhaps some day to have to pay for them. But we are certainly not thinking about that this early  (Pay Quotes) If a thousand shares of stocks or bonds make nothing, you pay nothing. But on a thousand acres of land you pay enough to support half the community who own no land and pay no taxes  (Pay Quotes) You can’t legitimately kick on income tax, for it’s on what you have made. You have already made it. But, look at land, farms, homes, stores, vacant lots. You pay year after year on them whether you make it or not  (Pay Quotes) The people who are good in the long run fail a lot, especially at the beginning. So, when you fail early, it might be worth realizing that this is part of the deal, the price you pay for being good in the long run. Every rejection is a gift. A chance to learn and to do it better next time. An opportunity to figure out how to bounce, not break. Don’t waste them  (Pay Quotes) Travel is never a matter of money but of courage. I spent a large part of my youth traveling the world as a hippie. And what money did I have then? None. I barely had enough to pay for my fare. But I still consider those to have been the best years of my youth. The great lessons I learned has been precisely those that my journeys had taught me  (Pay Quotes) There is one thing I know for sure. You can become successful, if you are willing to pay the price for success  (Pay Quotes) Whenever anybody does well spiritually, I usually ignore them. It’s the greatest compliment I can pay them  (Pay Quotes) The prairies were dust. Day after day, summer after summer, the scorching winds blew the dust and the sun was brassy in a yellow sky. Crop after crop failed. Again and again the barren land must be mortgaged for taxes and food and next year’s seed. The agony of hope ended when there was not harvest and no more credit, no money to pay interest and taxes; the banker took the land. Then the bank failed  (Pay Quotes) Do not make your current partner pay for the crimes and misdemeanors of your previous partners  (Pay Quotes) Appearing to pay attention when someone is speaking is one of the cornerstones of real social interaction  (Pay Quotes) We work our jobs, collect our pay, believe were gliding down the highway, when in fact we’re slip sliding away  (Pay Quotes) Work my hands in the soil, what’s the pay for all the toil? Dust for blood, dust for blood, dust for blood  (Pay Quotes) I’m trying to preach the idea that if we don’t pay attention to history we’re destined to repeat it  (Pay Quotes) I didn’t really like jazz that much and was unhappy in that genre. It was what I was doing just to get by and pay rent  (Pay Quotes) I’m sure everyone feels sorry for the individual who has fallen by the wayside or who can’t keep up in our competitive society, but my own compassion goes beyond that to those millions of unsung men and women, who get up every morning, send the kids to school, go to work, try to keep up the payments on their house, pay exorbitant taxes to make possible compassion for the less fortunate, and as a result have to sacrifice many of their own desires and dreams and hopes. Government owes them something better than always finding a new way to make them share the fruit of their toils with others  (Pay Quotes) I run a business. People want to work for less money, I pay them less money.... Women shouldn’t be so grateful. Know what you’re worth. Walk away  (Pay Quotes) Sacrifice today for tomorrows betterment, you are willing to pay those payments with pain, because pain is just a message when you are fixing something that’s insufficient in your life  (Pay Quotes) When we have the means to pay for what we desire, what we get is not so much what is best, as what is costliest  (Pay Quotes) Simple fairness dictates that government must not raise taxes on families struggling to pay their bills  (Pay Quotes) A lot of kids, when they go to church, they don’t really pay much attention to what they’re saying or whatever  (Pay Quotes) I got sick, hospitalized, had no insurance. And the money I had saved for our honeymoon went to pay medical bills. So I had been in the position of not having insurance when I needed health care  (Pay Quotes)
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