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Nobody can tell you what to do. No matter what they pay you. No matter what obligations you feel you owe them. Every second defines you. Be who you are, not who anyone else is, or who anyone else wants you to be  (Pay Quotes) Even with revivals, I don’t really pay attention to previous incarnations. I always just go with the script and with the director and am willing to treat it as brand new  (Pay Quotes) You can pay attention to the fact, in which case you’ll probably become a mathematician, or you can ignore it, in which case you’ll probably become a physicist  (Pay Quotes) Medicare is immune from the competitive pressures that force private insurers to pay attention to what patients and doctors want  (Pay Quotes) If you really want something, you can have it if you’re willing to pay the price. And the price means you have to work better and harder than the next guy  (Pay Quotes) If a severe pandemic materializes, all of society could pay a heavy price for decades of failing to create a rational system of health care that works for all of us  (Pay Quotes) If all currencies are moving up or down together, the question is: relative to what? Gold is the canary in the coal mine. It signals problems with respect to currency markets. Central banks should pay attention to it  (Pay Quotes) Everybody pays lip service to the safety of the aeroplane, but nobody is prepared to pay for it  (Pay Quotes) There was no equal pay law when I started working. I was no different to any other woman in any other job at the time  (Pay Quotes) The finest compliment you can pay a man is that his word was as good as gold  (Pay Quotes) Instead of taxing rich people, governments borrow from them, and pay them interest for the privilege  (Pay Quotes) There are enough bad films coming out of this town already without the process being more democratized. I’m a guy who loves democracy. I’m all for democratizing any process, but I think there is a price to pay for that  (Pay Quotes) I’m a bad guy. But if I was a good guy, nobody would want to pay to see me fight  (Pay Quotes) Keep working at whatever you do. I don’t care if you don’t see results right then, they will come sooner or later. And it don’t even necessarily have to be in music. Anything you do, with hard work, it’s gonna always pay off  (Pay Quotes) There are people who pay attention to the weaknesses of their friends; that is to no avail. I have always closely watched and profited from the strengths of my adversaries  (Pay Quotes) To say less of yourself than is true is stupidity, not modesty. To pay yourself less than you are worth is cowardice and pusillanimity  (Pay Quotes) Just as soon as we notice that someone has to force himself to pay attention when dealing and talking with us, we have a valid demonstration that he does not love us or that he does not love us anymore  (Pay Quotes) No one is safe from slander. The best way is to pay no attention to it, but live in innocence and let the world talk  (Pay Quotes) Of course, it is not the employer who pays wages. He only handles the money. It is the product that pays wages and it is the management that arranges the production so that the product may pay the wages  (Pay Quotes) No government can guarantee security. It can only tax production, distribution and service and gradually crush the power to pay taxes. That settles nothing. It only uses up the gains of the past and postpones the developments of the future  (Pay Quotes) Talk is a pure art. Its only limits are the patience of listeners who, when they get tired, can always pay for their coffee or change it with a friendly waiter and walk out  (Pay Quotes) A day’s pay for a day’s work is more than adequate when both the work and the pay are appreciated as much as they are expected  (Pay Quotes) I have done a great deal of work, as much as a man, but did not get so much pay. I used to work in the field and bind grain, keeping up with the cradler; but men doing no more, got twice as much pay... We do as much, we eat as much, we want as much  (Pay Quotes) It is cheaper to pay mathematicians and computer scientists to design algorithms that will eliminate webspamming, rather than to pay lawyers to do lawsuits  (Pay Quotes) People who never had enough thrift and forethought to buy and pay for property in the first place seldom have enough to keep property up after they have gained it in some other way  (Pay Quotes) An economist’s definition of hatred is the willingness to pay a price to inflict harm on others  (Pay Quotes) There’s always been a lot of negative stuff written about me. That’s why I don’t pay any attention to the critics. They’ve never liked anything I’ve done. What do critics know? It’s the way the audience reacts that matters  (Pay Quotes) The truth is that the more you get paid, the less freedom you have. They never pay you for nothing  (Pay Quotes) We gotta figure out a way to pay our teachers more. They’re like surrogate parents away from home. They have such a huge responsibility and they’re underappreciated and underpaid  (Pay Quotes) I love to work, so give me what you’ve got. I’ll play a tree, if you want me to. If you want fruit on it, then pay me more money. Otherwise, I just love to work  (Pay Quotes)
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