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You can’t get a pay raise when you’re angry. People will react to the negative energy and will resist you  (Pay Quotes) People who pay greater respect to a wealthy villain than to an honest, upright man in poverty, almost deserve to be enslaved; they plainly show that wealth, however it may be acquired, is, in their esteem, to be preferred to virtue  (Pay Quotes) I sit here before you trying to figure out how to pay a tax debt? If that’s not like enough to slavery, I don’t know  (Pay Quotes) Those services which the community will most readily pay for, it is most disagreeable to render  (Pay Quotes) You know your talent. You know if you work hard, your hard work is going to pay off one day  (Pay Quotes) Whatever we owe, it is our part to find where to pay it, and to do it without asking, too; for whether the creditor be good or bad, the debt is still the same  (Pay Quotes) We need to pay as much attention to improper denials as we do to improper grants  (Pay Quotes) I go to a better tailor than any of you and pay more for my clothes. The only difference is that you probably don’t sleep in yours  (Pay Quotes) We are hardly ever grateful for a fine clock or watch when it goes right, and we pay attention to it only when it falters, for then we are caught by surprise. It ought to be the other way about  (Pay Quotes) We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world; and although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won, but exact their dues of work and self denial, anxiety and discouragement  (Pay Quotes) A speculator gambles that a stock will go up in price because somebody else will pay even more for it  (Pay Quotes) The value of any investment is, and always must be, a function of the price you pay for it  (Pay Quotes) By refusing to pay too much for an investment, you minimize the chances that your wealth will ever disappear or suddenly be destroyed  (Pay Quotes) In my view, we need a massive federal jobs program which puts millions of our people back to work. We must end our disastrous trade policies. We need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. And we have to fight for pay equity for women  (Pay Quotes) In our daily intercourse with men, our nobler faculties are dormant and suffered to rust. None will pay us the compliment to expect nobleness from us. Though we have gold to give, they demand only copper  (Pay Quotes) A man with money to pay for a meal can talk about hunger without demeaning himself.... But for a man with no money hunger is a disgrace  (Pay Quotes) Men don’t make different mistakes at different periods of their lives. They make the same mistake over and over again and they pay a bigger and bigger price for it  (Pay Quotes) Philanthropy is the rent we pay for the joy and privilege we have for our space on this earth  (Pay Quotes) Regrets are as personal as fingerprints. Discarding what is vain or false, facing the facts that should truly disturb your conscience, is worth whatever time it takes or pain it may cause. It can pay to the future what you owe to the past  (Pay Quotes) No moment is wasted if you pay attention and learn the lessons contained in every experience  (Pay Quotes) I pay attention only to what people do or say. I never pay attention to what they think  (Pay Quotes) Beware of too much good staying in your hand. It will fast corrupt and worm worms. Pay it away quickly in some sort  (Pay Quotes) We must occasionally remind ourselves of our brief visit on this planet. Shouldn’t we try to express ourselves clearly, make a personal stamp on our environment, and pay attention to the details that make the difference?  (Pay Quotes) Those who really deserve praise are the people who, while human enough to enjoy power, nevertheless pay more attention to justice than they are compelled to do by their situation  (Pay Quotes) Just trusting the soul cannot lead you to higher consciousness. You have to pay attention for the beautification of your heart  (Pay Quotes) As a kid, I dreamed of a knight in shining armor coming to rescue me. Now, I just dream of equal pay for equal work  (Pay Quotes) Everybody who aspires to high positions of leadership in their state and in their country should be willing to take unscreened, unrehearsed questions from the people who pay their salary  (Pay Quotes) 9 to 5 made people aware of equal pay for equal work. It hasn’t really happened, but it has come closer  (Pay Quotes) What a price we pay for experience, when we must sell our youth to buy it  (Pay Quotes) The battle for the airwaves cannot be limited to only those who have the bank accounts to pay for the battle and win it  (Pay Quotes)
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