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Pay attention only to the form; emotion will come spontaneously to inhabit it. A perfect dwelling place always finds an inhabitant  (Pay Quotes) It’ll be the ballot or it’ll be the bullet. It’ll be liberty or it’ll be death. And if you’re not ready to pay that price don’t use the word freedom in your vocabulary  (Pay Quotes) I believe in a real, physical world. I figure if the world existed only in my mind, it would pay more attention to me  (Pay Quotes) When there is hell to pay, it is usually cheaper to pay it than to finance an endless purgatory  (Pay Quotes) A person doesn’t know how much he has to be thankful for until he has to pay taxes on it  (Pay Quotes) Gratitude is a debt which usually goes on accumulating like blackmail; the more you pay, the more is exacted  (Pay Quotes) One pays for everything, the trick is not to pay too much of anything for anything  (Pay Quotes) The right way to begin is to pay attention to the young, and make them just as good as possible  (Pay Quotes) Tis against some mens principle to pay interest, and seems against others interest to pay the principle  (Pay Quotes) You are much surer that you are doing good when you pay money to those who work, as the recompense of their labor, than when you give money merely in charity  (Pay Quotes) There is rarely a creative man who does not have to pay a high price for the divine spark of his great gifts... the human element is frequently bled for the benefit of the creative element  (Pay Quotes) If income tax is the price you have to pay to keep the government on its feet, alimony is the price we have to pay for sweeping a woman off hers  (Pay Quotes) I was not born for courts and great affairs, but I pay my debts, believe and say my prayers  (Pay Quotes) If someone wants a piece of you, never let them pay. What you do not give to them time takes anyway  (Pay Quotes) If you want to win friends, make it a point to remember them. If you remember my name, you pay me a subtle compliment; you indicate that I have made an impression on you. Remember my name and you add to my feeling of importance  (Pay Quotes) Silence is the great teacher and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence  (Pay Quotes) Can there be greater foolishness than the respect you pay to people collectively when you despise them individually?  (Pay Quotes) To despise our own species is the price we must often pay for knowledge of it  (Pay Quotes) The sensitiveness claimed by neurotic is matched by their egotism: they cannot abide the flaunting by others of the sufferings to which they pay an even increasing amount of attention in themselves  (Pay Quotes) There are three kinds of praise, that which we yield, that which we lend, and that which we pay. We yield it to the powerful from fear, we lend it to the weak from interest, and we pay it to the deserving from gratitude  (Pay Quotes) Let us not envy some men their accumulated riches; their burden would be too heavy for us; we could not sacrifice, as they do, health, quiet, honor and conscience, to obtain them: It is to pay so dear from them that the bargain is a loss  (Pay Quotes) As long as more people will pay admission to a theater to see a naked body than to see a naked brain, the drama will languish  (Pay Quotes) My former bullies pay extra to come backstage and meet me after shows, and I pretend not to know them in front of their friends. It is the most divine pleasure to exact the revenge of the brutalized child that resides within  (Pay Quotes) I enjoy living in a nice house and having a nice life. So I do two or three commercials overseas a year to sort of fill in, because they pay pretty well  (Pay Quotes) It’s hard to get movie studios to pay a lot of money for movies that don’t have robots or explosions  (Pay Quotes) I judge my life by how miserable it used to be. If I could pay my rent, I was deliriously happy. Now I’m deliriously happy all the time  (Pay Quotes) In a rising market, enough of your bad ideas will pay off so that you’ll never learn that you should have fewer ideas  (Pay Quotes) I am going to try to pay attention to the spring. I am going to look around at all the flowers, and look up at the hectic trees. I am going to close my eyes and listen  (Pay Quotes) These days cry out, as never before, for us to pay attention, so we can move through them and get our joy and pride back  (Pay Quotes) I can’t give money away to buy listeners. I can’t pay listeners off with phones or food stamps or anything. I can’t come by my audience by buying it  (Pay Quotes)
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