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The value of money comes from the private sector in the form of price for product, services rendered, what people are willing to pay for something they want or need. That’s where value happens. Government has nothing to do with that  (Pay Quotes) When one of my characters becomes aware of a magical element, it might be because the world is wider than we assume it to be, but it might also be a reminder to pay attention to what is here already, hidden only because it’s been forgotten  (Pay Quotes) If you have something to say then you want someone to pay attention or at least to have the opportunity for them to tell you to shut up and go away  (Pay Quotes) Pay attention to those employees who respectfully ask why. They are demonstrating an interest in their jobs and exhibiting a curiosity that could eventually translate into leadership ability  (Pay Quotes) There was that law of life, so cruel and so just, that one must grow or else pay more for remaining the same  (Pay Quotes) Hollywood is a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul  (Pay Quotes) If one job doesn’t pay all the bills, don’t worry. You can get another one and another one and another one  (Pay Quotes) The wealthy have never liked to pay for the labor that enriches them. Ever since slavery was eliminated, they have been trying to keep it as close to slavery as they can without violating the slave laws  (Pay Quotes) If you pay off your mortgage before retirement, you take a huge financial load off your shoulders. You also become eligible to take out a reverse mortgage once you turn 62  (Pay Quotes) If you’re going to live in the house make it your goal to just pay off your mortgage  (Pay Quotes) If the only way you can build an emergency fund is to pay the minimum due on your credit card, that is what you need to do  (Pay Quotes) I’m writing about real things. Real people. Real characters. You have to believe what I write about is true or you wouldn’t pay any attention at all. Sometimes it’s me, or a composite of me and other people. Sometimes it’s not me at all  (Pay Quotes) People need to be insured so when you have an accident out there, or when something catastrophic happens to you, that you’re covered and there’s not someone else has to pay for you. That is as simple as that  (Pay Quotes) Pay attention, don’t let life go by you. Fall in love with the back of your cereal box  (Pay Quotes) Never underestimate the power of being popular in pop culture. You have to be able to do something. You can have a good seat at the restaurant, but you still have to pay for the meal. Fame is important, but to be rich is more important  (Pay Quotes) The ad industry thinks their clients are their customers. They think the companies who pay for the production are the ones they are supposed to serve. So the ads they produce make their clients happy... but infuriate the rest of us  (Pay Quotes) I had no preconceived idea what fame would be like, because I never thought I would be famous. I just wanted to do my work. Hell, I just wanted to pay my rent on time  (Pay Quotes) For every day the government is shut down, it should be that we don’t have to pay income tax that day because they’re not working  (Pay Quotes) I’ve been married for 46 years, and I live in a nice house, my grass is always cut, I pay my bills, and my cat loves me!  (Pay Quotes) American businesses are struggling to pay outrageous, exploitive insurance bills for their employees, hampering our ability to compete globally  (Pay Quotes) Life is both pain and pleasure. If this is the price you must pay for the hours you enjoy, is it too much?  (Pay Quotes) Stories may well be lies, but they are good lies that say true things, and which can sometimes pay the rent  (Pay Quotes) Men seem to be born with a debt they can never pay no matter how hard they try  (Pay Quotes) The death of something living is the price of our own survival, and we pay it again and again. We have no choice. It is the one solemn promise every life on earth is born and bound to keep  (Pay Quotes) No anguish I have had to bear on your account has been too heavy a price to pay for the new life into which I have entered in loving you  (Pay Quotes) What keeps so many people back is simply unwillingness to pay the price, to make the exertion, the effort to sacrifice their ease and comfort  (Pay Quotes) For every promise, there is a price to pay... If the promise is clear, the price is easy  (Pay Quotes) My blood will only buy you that fool’s regard. I will pay a high price for you to be respected by a churl. Nothing bought with blood is worth having, young man  (Pay Quotes) No matter how much time has passed, these things still affect us and the world we live in. If you don’t pay attention to the past, you’ll never understand the future. It’s all linked together  (Pay Quotes) Every pleasure’s got an edge of pain, pay your ticket and don’t complain  (Pay Quotes)
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