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Whatever one does for a living, three questions need to be confronted before it is too late: What really matters to me? What price do my spouse and kids pay for my career success? What price does my soul pay?  (Pay Quotes) Know your core competencies and focus on being great at them. Pay up for people in your core competencies. Get the best. Outside the core competencies, hire people that fit your culture but aren’t as expensive to pay  (Pay Quotes) Legacy leaders are the only ones wiling to pay the price to fix a broken culture  (Pay Quotes) Should one be shallow enough to view existence as a system of rewards and punishments, one soon learns that we pay as dearly for our triumphs as we do for our defeats  (Pay Quotes) When you refuse to pay attention to what life is saying to you, life will make its point very clear. Life wants us to be aware of ourselves so we can make the necessary adjustments in order to live more harmoniously  (Pay Quotes) Don’t wait for a funeral to pay a compliment. You may not make it in time  (Pay Quotes) Pay attention to that unchanging part of yourself. It is perfect. At the source of life, and only there, one finds peace, harmony, and the undisturbed contentment of bliss  (Pay Quotes) Pay off your student loan. Even if you don’t have a job... Because when you finally get a job you’re going to be one of us  (Pay Quotes) Every liberal on the campaign trail has a plan to deliver free, socialized medicine, but no country on earth, folks, can possibly pay for every test for everybody without going bankrupt  (Pay Quotes) A business exists because the consumer is willing to pay you his money. You run a business to satisfy the consumer. That isn’t marketing. That goes way beyond marketing  (Pay Quotes) One key to successful group decisions is getting people to pay much less attention to what everyone else is saying  (Pay Quotes) If as a family we must be selective listeners, then let us pay more attention to the words of the heart and less to the words of anger  (Pay Quotes) Character is doing the right thing even when it costs more than you want to pay. When it comes to character, you don’t have to be sick to get better. Its easier for a good person to get better than for a bad person to get good  (Pay Quotes) Where are the dogs going? you people who pay so little attention ask. They are going about their business. And they are very punctilious, without wallets, notes, and without briefcases  (Pay Quotes) Pay attention to minute particulars. Take care of the little ones. Generalization and abstraction are the plea of the hypocrite, scoundrel, and knave  (Pay Quotes) Listen to your hunches, pay attention to your intuition, do not dismiss your random thoughts, inspirations or ideas... They could be giving you the best advice you ever had  (Pay Quotes) If you can’t pay for a thing, don’t buy it. If you can’t get paid for it, don’t sell it  (Pay Quotes) Your greatest asset is your earning ability, to apply your knowledge, skills in order to get results which others will pay  (Pay Quotes) Once you have seen and felt your ideal future, you will be ready and able to pay any price to get there  (Pay Quotes) You can achieve almost any goal you set for yourself as long as you have the discipline to pay the price to do what you need to do and to never give up. You can make excuses or you can make progress. You choose  (Pay Quotes) Because the existing education system is oriented towards materialistic goals we need to pay special attention to inner values such as tolerance, forgiveness, love and compassion  (Pay Quotes) When something feels right, that means it is right for you. Pay attention to your authentic feelings, and follow where they lead  (Pay Quotes) A contemplative should pay equal attention to concentration, energetic effort and equanimity, and not exclusively to one of these factors only  (Pay Quotes) You can get ahead in the world. But you will have to work, you will have to want tremendously to accomplish something, and then be willing to pay the price. Are you willing?  (Pay Quotes) We are so engrossed with the objects, or appearances revealed by the light, that we pay no attention to the light  (Pay Quotes) All you have to do is to pay attention; lessons always arrive when you are ready  (Pay Quotes) Pay particular attention to your health, but too much coddling of the body will, on the contrary, also spoil the health  (Pay Quotes) School has no task more important than to teach strict thought, cautious judgment, and logical conclusions, hence it must pay no attention to what hinders these operations, such as religion, for instance  (Pay Quotes) Pay off your debt first. Freedom from debt is worth more than any amount you can earn  (Pay Quotes) Do what experts since the dawn of recorded history have told you you must do: pay the price by becoming the person you want to become. It’s not nearly as difficult as living unsuccessfully  (Pay Quotes)
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