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You have to make bad choices to learn how to make better ones. You have to fall in order to get back up. You have to pay attention in order to learn  (Pay Quotes) Breach of promise is no less an act of insolvency than a refusal to pay one’s debt  (Pay Quotes) Pay attention to the people who help you when you’re low. So you know who to ignore when you’re at your high  (Pay Quotes) Our honeymoon should be a nice break from all the family members who helped pay for it  (Pay Quotes) So they pay $1,000,000 for commercials of starving kids, but they can’t feed them  (Pay Quotes) If you could throw a baseball 100 miles per hour, I’d pay more attention to you every 5th day instead of every 365th  (Pay Quotes) People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but they will always show you. Pay attention  (Pay Quotes) Once you lend someone money and they don’t pay you back, don’t address them as a friend  (Pay Quotes) It’s sweet when someone knows every detail about you. Not because you keep reminding them, but because they pay attention  (Pay Quotes) Advertising is tax deductible, so we all pay for the privilege of being manipulated and controlled  (Pay Quotes) I hope I win money on college basketball games so I can pay back the college I actually attended  (Pay Quotes) Just because love is blind, doesn’t mean you always have to follow your heart and pay no mind to your head  (Pay Quotes) I have to pay attention to what I have felt and observed, then push these responses to an extreme while keeping the story within the realm of being psychologically and emotionally true  (Pay Quotes) I don’t know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention  (Pay Quotes) Pay attention and be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble  (Pay Quotes) If the world despises you because you do not follow its ways, pay no heed to it. But be sure your way is right  (Pay Quotes) And it would be fair. Everyone will pay the same tax and it will eliminate tax cheaters and corporate shenanigans  (Pay Quotes) Pay no attention to those who talk behind your back! It simply means you are two steps ahead!  (Pay Quotes) More girls need to start searching for guys who have goals, ambitions, and crave success, because 10 years from now, swag isn’t going to pay your bills  (Pay Quotes) It is possible for every human being to be blissful, if you are willing to pay a little attention to how this human mechanism functions  (Pay Quotes) To preserve his life, should a man pay everything that gives it color, scent and excitement  (Pay Quotes) If someone is attractive, I will pay a compliment. It doesn’t generally mean I want them. Paying compliments is difficult nowadays  (Pay Quotes) Pay close attention to detail in whatever it is you are doing. Be specific and expect quality from your performance  (Pay Quotes) Just curious if you’d like to pay me tens of millions of dollars for pictures of my new baby  (Pay Quotes) My taxes are extremely high because I’m too cheap to pay someone to do my taxes  (Pay Quotes) Be patient with people. Pay attention. Everyone you meet has something important to teach you  (Pay Quotes) People are more what they keep silent than what they say. Pay attention to their quiet gestures  (Pay Quotes) So it is true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love  (Pay Quotes) I’m going to college so I can get a good enough job to pay for college  (Pay Quotes) Pay attention to whatever you say because a knot tied with your tongue can’t be undone with your teeth  (Pay Quotes)
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