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As long as people remember me forever, that will be enough for me  (Pe Quotes) To make the worse appear the better reason  (Pe Quotes) There are two types of people in the world, and I`m one of them  (Pe Quotes) Vortex reigns, having expelled Zeus  (Pe Quotes) She has an eye that could speak, though her tongue were silent  (Pe Quotes) Open your mouth and shut your eyes and see what Zeus will send you  (Pe Quotes) One cannot plan for the unexpected  (Pe Quotes) A man's homeland is wherever he prospers  (Pe Quotes) I was floating in a peaceful sea, rescued by a sinking ship  (Pe Quotes) You knew better than to pay mind to what people and the devil say  (Pe Quotes) I said water expecting the word would satisfy my thirst  (Pe Quotes) Grape on the vine... why not be crushed to make wine?  (Pe Quotes) Some people are cool to hang out with, as far as trust goes. No  (Pe Quotes) I try so hard with people and its always a wasted effort  (Pe Quotes) Open wide my door, my Lord, to whatever makes me love You more  (Pe Quotes) His ignorance is encyclopedic  (Pe Quotes) Hope is not a matter of age  (Pe Quotes) Most people need love and acceptance a lot more than they need advice  (Pe Quotes) People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes  (Pe Quotes) Live in the moment and forever be at peace  (Pe Quotes) Acting is the perfect idiot's profession  (Pe Quotes) Of all ills that one endures, hope is a cheap and universal cure  (Pe Quotes) Words that weep and tears that speak  (Pe Quotes) All this world's noise appears to me a dull, ill acted comedy!  (Pe Quotes) Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations  (Pe Quotes) Movie directing is a perfect refuge for the mediocre  (Pe Quotes) I have an unfortunate personality  (Pe Quotes) At twenty one, so many things appear solid, permanent, untenable  (Pe Quotes) The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly  (Pe Quotes) Nobody gets justice. People only get good luck or bad luck  (Pe Quotes)
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