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Girls are afraid to be alone, women revel in it, using it as a time for personal growth  (Pe Quotes) Just because you're older, doesn't mean you deserve respect. Respect is earned not given  (Pe Quotes) That feeling of regret when time passes and you realize you've let the wrong person go  (Pe Quotes) Spend all your time with negative people and you will become like them  (Pe Quotes) Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood  (Pe Quotes) People walk away from our lives so easily. But they leave their memories with us forever  (Pe Quotes) To say hello to the right person you have to say goodbye to the wrong one  (Pe Quotes) A great relationship is all about falling in love with the same person over and over again  (Pe Quotes) Religion brings to man an inner strength, spiritual light, and ineffable peace  (Pe Quotes) Unfortunately, what many people forget is that judges are just lawyers in robes  (Pe Quotes) Religion is never the problem; it's the people who use it to gain power  (Pe Quotes) The courage of very ordinary people is all that stands between us and the dark  (Pe Quotes) No matter how bad your situation is, there's always hope if you have faith  (Pe Quotes) Congratulations on having just enough Facebook friends to appear popular, but not needy  (Pe Quotes) If you're having doubts about whether you can actually trust a person. Chances are you can't  (Pe Quotes) People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives  (Pe Quotes) Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once  (Pe Quotes) True friends are always there for you. Fake friends only appear when they need something from you  (Pe Quotes) Alas! how little does the memory of these human inhabitants enhance the beauty of the landscape!  (Pe Quotes) Nothing more exciting than meeting new people, hearing their stories, and being inspired  (Pe Quotes) Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts?  (Pe Quotes) One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, love someone else  (Pe Quotes) Blues are the songs of despair, but gospel songs are the songs of hope  (Pe Quotes) If two people are truly in love with each other they will find a way  (Pe Quotes) Death and life have their determined appointments; riches and honors depend upon heaven  (Pe Quotes) Every person is on a journey. Where you are right now is not your final destination  (Pe Quotes) As human beings we do change, grow, adapt, perhaps even learn and become wiser  (Pe Quotes) If strippers can be called exotic dancers, then drug dealers should be called exotic pharmacists  (Pe Quotes) Personality is more important than beauty, but imagination is more important than both of them  (Pe Quotes) Count your age by life experiences, not years. Measure your life by laughter, not tears  (Pe Quotes)
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