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My goal has been to encourage jointness, to push people to think of affiliations rather than to operate as solo entrepreneurs  (Pe Quotes) Universities are not here to be mediums for the coercion of other people, they`re here to be mediums for the free exchange of ideas  (Pe Quotes) Could I say that the reason that I am here today, you know, from the mouth of the State Department itself, is: I should not be allowed to travel because I have struggled for years for the independence of the colonial peoples of Africa  (Pe Quotes) If conquerors be regarded as the engine drivers of history, then the conquerors of thought are perhaps the pointsmen who, less conspicuous to the traveler's eye, determine the direction of the journey  (Pe Quotes) Ambition often puts Men upon doing the meanest offices; so climbing is performed in the same position with creeping  (Pe Quotes) Spaceships and time machines are no escape from the human condition. Let Othello subject Desdemona to a lie - detector test; his jealousy will still blind him to the evidence. Let Oedipus triumph over gravity; he won't triumph over his fate  (Pe Quotes) Nobody before the Pythagorean had thought that mathematical relations held the secret of the universe. Twenty five centuries later, Europe is still blessed and cursed with their heritage. To non-European civilizations, the idea that numbers are the key to both wisdom and power, seems never to have occurred  (Pe Quotes) Laughter and weeping, the Greek masks of comedy and tragedy, mark the extremes of a continuous spectrum; both provide channels for the overflow of emotion; both are "luxury reflexes" without apparent utility. This much they have in common; in every other respect they are direct opposites  (Pe Quotes) The moment of truth, the sudden emergence of a new insight, is an act of intuition. Such intuitions give the appearance of miraculous flushes, or short - circuits of reasoning. In fact they may be likened to an immersed chain, of which only the beginning and the end are visible above the surface of consciousness. The diver vanishes at one end of the chain and comes up at the other end, guided by invisible links  (Pe Quotes) A city with one newspaper, or with a morning and an evening paper under one ownership, is like a man with one eye, and often the eye is glass  (Pe Quotes) In fact, because of this deep desire for peace, the ruling class leaders of this land, from 1945 on, stepped up the hysteria and propaganda to drive into American minds the false notion that danger threatened them from the East  (Pe Quotes) In high school, in sport, I had a coach who told me I was much better than I thought I was, and would make me do more in a positive sense. He was the first person who taught me not to be afraid of failure  (Pe Quotes) I don`t like it when people don`t look me dead in the eye. I move my head around trying to catch their eye  (Pe Quotes) My personal belief is that you carry your own water in a relationship. If you see a girl and you think she's hot, that's a very human reaction, but you don't go and tell your spouse that, you know? So in one way it's how you behave  (Pe Quotes) With indies, all they have is their script and it's very important to them. The characters are better drawn, the stories more precise and the experience greater than with studio films where sometimes they fill in the script as they're shooting  (Pe Quotes) Psychoanalysts believe that the only `normal` people are those who cause no trouble either to themselves or anyone else  (Pe Quotes) The great armies, accumulated to provide security and preserve the peace, carried the nations to war by their own weight  (Pe Quotes) There is nothing more agreeable in life than to make peace with the Establishment - and nothing more corrupting  (Pe Quotes) He had learned that every known physical pain was bearable; if one knew beforehand exactly what was going to happen to one, one stood it as a surgical operation - for instance, the extraction of a tooth  (Pe Quotes) You see people who have been very heavy in their life who have taken that body, trimmed it down, firmed it up through discipline, exercise and being able to say no. Eating properly, that all comes into it  (Pe Quotes) Like many people in Britain, I have an affectionate respect for the Queen, and am surprised that I should be having such republican thoughts  (Pe Quotes) People must not do things for fun. We are not here for fun. There is no reference to fun in any Act of Parliament  (Pe Quotes) The concept of two people living together for 25 years without a serious dispute suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep  (Pe Quotes) There are always new things to experience, internalize then write about. This process is ongoing with me. It never stops. The opportunity to reach new audiences with all of the music that we have made is thrilling  (Pe Quotes) We find in the history of ideas mutations which do not seem to correspond to any obvious need, and at first sight appear as mere playful whimsies - such as Apollonius' work on conic sections, or the non-Euclidean geometries, whose practical value became apparent only later  (Pe Quotes) Why are we talking about talking? Why negotiating about negotiating? It's very simple. If you want to get to peace, put all your preconditions on the side, sit down opposite a table, not in a studio, by the way  (Pe Quotes) I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it  (Pe Quotes) If men can develop weapons that are so terrifying as to make the thought of global war include almost a sentence for suicide, you would think that man's intelligence and his comprehension. Would include also his ability to find a peaceful solution  (Pe Quotes) Pooh said goodbye affectionately to his fourteen pots of honey, and hoped they were fifteen; and he and Rabbit went out into the Forest  (Pe Quotes) If the United Nations once admits that international disputes can be settled by using force, then we will have destroyed the foundation of the organization and our best hope of establishing a world order  (Pe Quotes)
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