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I'm not entangled in shaping my work according to other people's views of how I should have done it  (Pe Quotes) No one ever talks about the moment you found that you were white. Or the moment you found out you were black. That's a profound revelation. The minute you find that out, something happens. You have to renegotiate everything  (Pe Quotes) Schools must stop being holding pens to keep energetic young people off the job market and off the streets. We stretch puberty out a long, long time  (Pe Quotes) The unflattering reviews are painful for short periods of time; the badly written ones are deeply, deeply insulting. That reviewer took no time to really read the book  (Pe Quotes) I believe that one of the principle ways in which we acquire, hold, and digest information, is via narrative, so I hope you will understand when the remarks I make begin with the first sentence of our childhood, that we all remember, the phrase: Once upon a time  (Pe Quotes) A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double  (Pe Quotes) Most of our lives are spent in little towns, little towns all throughout the country. That's where we live. And that's where the juices come from and that's where we made it, not made it in terms of success but made who we are  (Pe Quotes) True friends are the ones that give you the shoulder to cry on. Best Friends are the ones that are ready with the shovel to hit the person who made you cry  (Pe Quotes) Cure yourself of the affliction of caring how you appear to others. Concern yourself only with how you appear before God, concern yourself only with the idea that God may have of you  (Pe Quotes) When a thing is said to be not worth refuting you may be sure that either it is flagrantly stupid - in which case all comment is superfluous - or it is something formidable, the very crux of the problem  (Pe Quotes) We men do nothing but lie and make ourselves important. Speech was invented for the purpose of magnifying all of our sensations and impressions, perhaps so that we could believe in them  (Pe Quotes) Every peasant has a lawyer inside of him, just as every lawyer, no matter how urbane he may be, carries a peasant within himself  (Pe Quotes) Little can be hoped for from a ruler... Who has not at some time or other been preoccupied, even if only confusedly, with the first beginning and ultimate end of all things, and above all of man, with the why of his origin and the wherefore of his destiny  (Pe Quotes) And love, above all when it struggles against destiny, overwhelms us with the feeling of the vanity of this world of appearances and gives us a glimpse of another world, in which destiny is overcome and liberty is law  (Pe Quotes) From whatever side the matter is regarded, it is always found that reason confronts our longing for personal immortality and contradicts it. And the truth is, in all strictness, that reason is the enemy of life  (Pe Quotes) And if it is grievous to be doomed one day to cease to be, perhaps it would be more grievous still to go on being always oneself, and no more than oneself, without being able to be at the same time other, without being able to be at the same time everything else, without being able to be all  (Pe Quotes) Nothing is lost, nothing wholly passes away, for in some way or another everything is perpetuated; and everything, after passing through time, returns to eternity  (Pe Quotes) Uncertainty, doubt, perpetual wrestling with the mystery of our final destiny, mental despair, and the lack of any solid and stable foundation, may be the basis of an ethic  (Pe Quotes) And killing time is perhaps the essence of comedy, just as the essence of tragedy is killing eternity  (Pe Quotes) Let us go on committing suicide by working among our people, and let them dream life just as the lake dreams the sky  (Pe Quotes) One of those leaders of what they call the social revolution has said that religion is the opiate of the people. Opium...Opium...Opium, yes. Let us give them opium so that they can sleep and dream  (Pe Quotes) If it is nothingness that awaits us, let us make an injustice of it; let us fight against destiny, even though without hope of victory  (Pe Quotes) Suffering is the substance of life and the root of personality, for it is only suffering that makes us persons  (Pe Quotes) The greatest height of heroism to which an individual, like a people, can attain is to know how to face ridicule; better still, to know how to make oneself ridiculous and not to shrink from the ridicule  (Pe Quotes) At times to be silent is to lie. You will win because you have enough brute force. But you will not convince. For to convince you need to persuade. And in order to persuade you would need what you lack: Reason and Right  (Pe Quotes) For it is the suffering flesh, it is suffering, it is death, that lovers perpetuate upon the Earth. Love is at once the brother, son, and father of death, which is its sister, mother, and daughter. And thus it is that in the depth of love there is a depth of eternal despair, out of which spring hope and consolation  (Pe Quotes) There are really not many jobs that actually require a penis or a vagina, and all other occupations should be open to everyone  (Pe Quotes) As women, we have more of a tendency to be people-pleasers, and I know a lot of women who are not vocal about what makes them happy  (Pe Quotes) I think that maybe in every company today there is always at least one person who is going crazy slowly  (Pe Quotes) There was no telling what people might find out once they felt free to ask whatever questions they wanted to  (Pe Quotes)
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