Peace Of Self Quotes
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Text Quotes
The well-being and the hopes of the peoples of the world can never be served until peace - as well as freedom, honor and self-respect - is secure. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
The heart and mind can find peace and harmony by contemplating the transcendental nature of the true self as supreme effulgent life. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
All minds are joined. Therefore, all healing is self-healing. Our inner peace will, of itself, pass to others once we accept it for ourselves. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
I do believe in God. But you won’t find me visiting temples every now and then. I believe in self-realization. Peace of mind matters a lot to me. What’s the point in doing something just for the sake of it? I’d rather do something I like doing as long as I’m being true to myself. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Become one with eternity. Become part of your environment. Take off your clothes. Forget yourself. Make love. Self-destruction is the only way to peace. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
After many years of great mercy, after tasting of the powers of the world to come, we still are so weak, so foolish; but, oh! when we get away from self to God, there all is truth and purity and holiness, and our heart finds peace, wisdom, completeness, delight, joy, victory. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Self-Realization Fellowship seemed like training. It was the training ground for finding a sense of peace in myself. Because that’s my job. It’s no one else’s. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Experience proves that in this life peace and satisfaction are had, not by the listless but by those who are fervent in God’s service. And rightly so. For in their effort to overcome themselves and to rid themselves of self-love, they rid themselves of the roots of all passion and unrest. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To these I commit my day. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Ten greatest gifts; love, joy, peace, patience, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Revenge, lust, ambition, pride, and self-will are too often exalted as the gods of man’s idolatry; while holiness, peace, contentment, and humility are viewed as unworthy of a serious thought. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Truth, purity, self-control, firmness, fearlessness, humility, unity, peace, and renunciation - these are the inherent qualities of a civil resister. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
A little prosperity and peace, or even a turn slightly for the better, can bring us feelings of self-sufficiency. We can feel quickly that we are in control of our lives, that the change for the better is our own doing, not that of a God who communicates to us through the still, small voice of the Spirit. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
When time and space and change converge, we find place. We arrive in Place when we resolve things. Place is peace of mind and understanding. Place is knowledge of self. Place is resolution. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
In the world union, prosperity is a science, self-interest a new religion, peace is at hand and the future has never looked brighter. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
There is a need for everyone’s brain to be imprinted with more self-enhancing impulses: the impulse to peace over violence, love over fear, compassion over selfishness. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
The greatest strength are rooted in love, joy, peace, patient, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
When you’re at peace with yourself and love your self, it is virtually impossible to do things to yourself that are destructive. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Once you achieve self intimacy and self-connection, success, peace and wealth is not far from you (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Silence is truth. Silence is bliss. Silence is peace. And hence Silence is the Self (Peace Of Self Quotes)
People have found inner peace by losing themselves in a cause larger than themselves. Finding inner peace means coming from the self-centered life into the life centered (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Real power is not given to us or even created; real power is realized. It comes from realizing an inner sense of peace, self-worth, and happiness (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Beware At war Or at peace, More people die Of unenlightened self-interest Than of any other disease (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Perfect health, sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, courage, disinterestedness, unselfishness, patience, endurance, perseverance, peace, calm, self control are all things that are taught infinitely better by example than by beautiful speeches (Peace Of Self Quotes)
In a tribal organization, even in time of peace, service to tribe or state predominates over all self seeking; in war, service for the tribe or state becomes supreme, and personal liberty is suspended (Peace Of Self Quotes)
In humility is the greatest freedom. As long as you have to defend the imaginary self that you think is important, you lose your peace of heart (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Without free, self-respecting, and autonomous citizens there can be no free and independent nations. Without internal peace, that is, peace among citizens and between the citizens and the state, there can be no guarantee of external peace (Peace Of Self Quotes)
There is a price which is too great to pay for peace, and that price can be put in one word. One cannot pay the price of self-respect. (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Then I realized that secrecy is actually to the detriment of my own peace of mind and self, and that I could still sustain my belief in privacy and be authentic and transparent at the same time. It was a pretty revelatory moment, and there's been a liberating force that's come from it (Peace Of Self Quotes)
Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable (Peace Of Self Quotes)
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