Peace Quotes
Text Quotes
If we wish to keep peace with our neighbor, we should never remind anyone of his natural defects (Peace Quotes)
The first step of letting go: To remove what obstructs your experience of wholeness and peace, you must first look at the obstruction (Peace Quotes)
Pay attention to the hungry, both in this country and around the world. Pay attention to the poor. Pay attention to our responsibilities for world peace. We are our brother’s keeper (Peace Quotes)
Peace is not just the absence of mass destruction, but a positive internal and external condition in which people are free so that they can grow to their full potential (Peace Quotes)
Peace will never be entirely secure until men everywhere have learned to conquer poverty without sacrificing liberty or security (Peace Quotes)
However vague they are, dreams have a way of concealing themselves and leave us no peace until they are translated into reality, like seeds germinating underground, sure to sprout in their search for the sunlight (Peace Quotes)
Before men can find peace and harmony within themselves they must first fall in love with their country (Peace Quotes)
Can love and peace live in the same heart? Youth is unhappy because it is faced with this terrible choice; love without peace, or peace without love (Peace Quotes)
If you want inner peace, find it in solitude, not speed, and if you would find yourself, look to the land from which you came and to which you go (Peace Quotes)
We have to believe that a creative being lives within ourselves, whether we like it or not, and that we must get out of its way, for it will not give us peace until we do (Peace Quotes)
I don’t know whether war is an interlude during peace, or peace is an interlude during war (Peace Quotes)
After the clouds, the sunshine; after the winter, the spring; after the shower, the rainbow; for life is a changeable thing. After the night, the morning, bidding all darkness cease, after life’s cares and sorrows, the comfort and sweetness of peace (Peace Quotes)
The key to the utilization of atomic energy for world peace will be found in the will of all people to restrict its use for the betterment of mankind (Peace Quotes)
Happiness is the main object of our aspirations, whatever name we give to it: fulfilment, deep satisfaction, serenity, accomplishment, wisdom, fortune, joy or inner peace, and however we try to seek it: creativity, justice, altruism, striving, completion of a plan or a piece of work (Peace Quotes)
Children, old people, vagabonds laugh easily and heartily: they have nothing to lose and hope for little. In renunciation lies a delicious taste of simplicity and deep peace (Peace Quotes)
Where the soul is full of peace and joy, outward surrounding and circumstances are of comparatively little account (Peace Quotes)
It may seem hard to extend our gratefulness and appreciation to the time in which we live and the challenges it presents... It would be much easier to appreciate an era of good feeling, peace and calm stability! But difficult times are also times of growth, of new insights and opportunities, of creativity, and of emergence (Peace Quotes)
You will have no peace until you have discovered how to forgive yourself, to forgive other people and let them forgive you (Peace Quotes)
May all beings everywhere with whom we are inseparably connected, be fulfilled, awakened, liberated and free. May there be peace in this world and throughout the entire universe, and may we all together complete the spiritual journey (Peace Quotes)
When we learn to say a deep, passionate yes to the things that really matter, then peace begins to settle onto our lives like golden sunlight sifting to a forest floor (Peace Quotes)
Peace, or freedom from conflict, is the absolute core of happiness. It is in learning to watch our sense of peace that we avoid unhappiness. All forms of misery are heralded by a frame of mind that must become immediately recognizable if we are ever to gain mastery in happiness... Take the time to look in your heart and be clear. Walk through life being clear. Practice doing each thing in peace (Peace Quotes)
Our vision of interconnectedness resonates with new networks of world citizens in nongovernmental organizations linking from numberless centers of energy, expressing the emergence of a new organic whole, seeking unity within and across national lines... If governments and their leaders, bound by hierarchy and patriarchy, wedded to military might for legitimacy, fail to grasp the implications of an emerging world consciousness for cooperation, for peace and for sustainability, they may become irrelevant (Peace Quotes)
When a tire blows, you simply accept that this is the here and now reality of your life. You’ve lost the tire, but that doesn’t mean that you have to lose your peace and serenity. Now, serenely, begin to take the necessary steps in order the change the tire (Peace Quotes)
To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life (Peace Quotes)
Fond as we are of our loved ones, there comes at times during their absence an unexplained peace (Peace Quotes)
The future is in our hands. We are not hapless bystanders. We can influence whether we have a planet of peace, social justice, equity, and growth or a planet of unbridgeable differences between peoples, wasted resources, corruption, and terror (Peace Quotes)
Perhaps the removal of trade restrictions throughout the world would do more for the cause of universal peace than can any political union of peoples separated by trade barriers (Peace Quotes)
The philosophies behind meditation are very current today and are a way of finding some sort of peace (Peace Quotes)
Compassion is more important than intellect in calling forth the love that the work of peace needs, and intuition can often be a far more powerful searchlight than cold reason (Peace Quotes)
Those of us who have been lucky enough to experience a calling in our work have a certain faith and peace of mind that it’s exactly when we’re supposed to be doing (Peace Quotes)