Pema Chodron Quotes

Text Quotes
Fear itself is the vanguard of wisdom (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Enlightenment is a direct experience with reality (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Feel the feelings and drop the story (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Now is the only time. How we relate to it creates the future (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Obstacles are our friends: they teach us where we’re stuck (Pema Chodron Quotes)
We tend to forget that we are part of the natural scheme of things (Pema Chodron Quotes)
The future is the result of what we do right now (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Compassion starts with making friends with ourselves (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Every moment is unique, unknown, completely fresh (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Treat yourself as your own beloved child (Pema Chodron Quotes)
We are one blink of an eye away from being fully awake (Pema Chodron Quotes)
But all the time our warmth and brilliance are right here. This is who we really are. We are one blink of an eye away from being fully awake (Pema Chodron Quotes)
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience and Infinite love is the only truth; everything else is an illusion (Pema Chodron Quotes)
As each breath goes out, let it be the end of that moment and the birth of something new (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Lean into the sharp points and fully experience them. The essence of bravery is being without self-deception. Wisdom is inherent in (understanding) emotions (Pema Chodron Quotes)
The Buddha taught that we’re not actually in control, which is a pretty scary idea. But when you let things be as they are, you will be a much happier, more balanced, compassionate person (Pema Chodron Quotes)
My experience with forgiveness is that it sort of comes spontaneously at a certain point and to try to force it it’s not really forgiveness. It’s Buddhist philosophy or something spiritual jargon that you’re trying to live up to but you’re just using it against yourself as a reason why you’re not okay (Pema Chodron Quotes)
We have a choice. We can spend our whole life suffering because we can’t relax with how things really are, or we can relax and embrace the open-endedness of the human situation, which is fresh, unfixated, unbiased (Pema Chodron Quotes)
There isn’t anything except your own life that can be used as ground for your spiritual practice. Spiritual practice is your life, twenty-four hours a day (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Everything is material for the seed of happiness, if you look into it with inquisitiveness and curiosity. The future is completely open, and we are writing it moment to moment. There always is the potential to create an environment of blame -or one that is conducive to loving-kindness (Pema Chodron Quotes)
We spend all our energy and waste our lives trying to re-create these zones of safety, which are always falling apart. That’s the essence of samsara - the cycle of suffering that comes from continuing to seek happiness in all the wrong places (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Anxiety, heartbreak, and tenderness mark the in-between state. It’s the kind of place we usually want to avoid. The challenge is to stay in the middle rather than buy into struggle and complaint. The challenge is to let it soften us rather than make us more rigid and afraid (Pema Chodron Quotes)
You’re the only one who knows when you’re using things to protect yourself and keep your ego together and when you’re opening and letting things fall apart, letting the world come as it is - working with it rather than struggling against it. You’re the only one who knows (Pema Chodron Quotes)
It’s said that when we die, the four elements - earth, air, fire and water - dissolve one by one, each into the other, and finally just dissolve into space. But while we’re living, we share the energy that makes everything, from a blade of grass to an elephant, grow and live and then inevitably wear out and die. This energy, this life force, creates the whole world (Pema Chodron Quotes)
It has a lot to do with developing patience, not with the check-out person so much, but with your own pain that arises, the rawness and the vulnerability, and sending some kind of warmth and love to that rawness and soreness. I think that’s how we have to practice (Pema Chodron Quotes)
A thoroughly good relationship with ourselves results in being still, which doesn’t mean we don’t run and jump and dance about. It means there’s no compulsiveness. We don’t overwork, overeat, oversmoke, overseduce. In short, we begin to stop causing harm (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Being preoccupied with our self-image is like being deaf and blind. It’s like standing in the middle of a vast field of wildflowers with a black hood over our heads. It’s like coming upon a tree of singing birds while wearing earplugs (Pema Chodron Quotes)
Instead of asking ourselves, ‘How can I find security and happiness?’ we could ask ourselves, ‘Can I touch the center of my pain? Can I sit with suffering, both yours and mine, without trying to make it go away? Can I stay present to the ache of loss or disgrace-disapp ointment in all its many forms-and let it open me?’ This is the trick (Pema Chodron Quotes)