Pen Quotes

Text Quotes
If a writer wrote merely for his time, I would have to break my pen and throw it away (Pen Quotes)
I bought a $7 pen because I always lose pens and I got sick of not caring (Pen Quotes)
The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium (Pen Quotes)
The pen wherewith thou dost so heavenly sing Made of a quill from an angel’s wing (Pen Quotes)
The way to elegancy of style is to employ your pen upon every errand; and the more trivial and dry it is, the more brains must be allowed for sauce (Pen Quotes)
If of all words of tongue and pen, the saddest are, it might have been, more sad are those we daily see, it is, but it hadn’t ought to be (Pen Quotes)
A sentence should read as if its author, had he held a plough instead of a pen, could have drawn a furrow deep and straight to the end (Pen Quotes)
The strokes of the pen need deliberation as much as those of the sword need swiftness (Pen Quotes)
Life is like writing with a pen. You can cross out your past but you can’t erase it (Pen Quotes)
There is always a sheet of paper. There is always a pen. There is always a way out (Pen Quotes)
In a mood of faith and hope my work goes on. A ream of fresh paper lies on my desk waiting for the next book. I am a writer and I take up my pen to write (Pen Quotes)
The pen is a formidable weapon, but a man can kill himself with it a great deal more easily than he can other people (Pen Quotes)
No pen, no words, no image can express to you the loveliness of my only, only Lord Jesus (Pen Quotes)
I was always a writer, by which I mean I was always scribbling away, doing something with pen and paper (Pen Quotes)
Writing a tribe is fun. They have their own language, their own slang; they repeat it, and it becomes part of the texture of the play. For a writer, that’s thrilling. That’s when my pen flies (Pen Quotes)
There are skies we have not seen yet! There are whole realms still unvisited by us. We will not be penned in even a giant’s pen. We fly! (Pen Quotes)
As I take up my pen I feel myself so full, so equal to my subject, and see my book so clearly before me in embryo, I would almost like to try to say it all in a single word (Pen Quotes)
With a pen in my hand I have successfully stormed bulwarks from which others armed with sword and excommunication have been repulsed (Pen Quotes)
We never read without profit if with the pen or pencil in our hand we mark such ideas as strike us by their novelty, or correct those we already possess (Pen Quotes)
The hand of bone and sinew and flesh achieves its immortality in taking up a pen. The hand on a page wields a greater power than the fleshly hand ever could in life (Pen Quotes)
Animals can be driven crazy by placing too many in too small a pen. Homo sapiens is the only animal that voluntarily does this to himself (Pen Quotes)
But what a little I can get down into my pen of what is so vivid to my eyes, and not only to my eyes; also to some nervous fibre, or fanlike membrane in my species (Pen Quotes)
I do actually dabble in a bit of poetry! And I’m yet to pen a script, but it is something that I’ve been telling myself I want to do (Pen Quotes)
The material came bubbling up inside like a geyser or an oil gusher. It streamed up of its own accord, down my arm and out of my fountain pen in a torrent of six thousand words a day (Pen Quotes)
My mom would take me to restaurants, and the first thing I’d ask for would be a pen and a napkin, and I’d sketch shoes and shoes and shoes (Pen Quotes)
For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, ‘It might have been’ (Pen Quotes)
Being attached to America these days is like being in a pen with a wounded bull (Pen Quotes)
Under Obama, our federal tax dollars can now be used to fund abortion all over the world. With the stroke of a pen, abortion essentially became a U. S. foreign export (Pen Quotes)
It’s all a sham: I have seen, and I know firsthand, indeed from my own pen, how the organized Right has sabotaged not only journalism but also democracy and truth (Pen Quotes)
Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword (Pen Quotes)