Penn Jillette Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m not greedy. I have love, blue skies, and Hallmark cards, and that has to be enough. It has to be enough, but it’s everything in the world - and everything in the world is plenty for me. It seems just rude to beg the invisible for more. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
I don’t want everyone to read anything; I like us all reading different books (Penn Jillette Quotes)
You can’t believe how pro-gay and pro-freedom-of-speech I am. I’m way out beyond anyone on the Left. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
You can’t allow people freedom and then change your mind when the things don’t go your way (Penn Jillette Quotes)
I read a lot of books to my children, and they all seem really good. I think people have gotten really good at children’s books. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
If you want to talk about magic, the stuff that blows me away is the stuff that’s done close up. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
I have more contact with people who consume, for lack of a better word, my product than any other performers. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
Exploration of space is worth it because humans need to explore. Knowledge is always good, and it’s a really cool thing to see. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
I’m always surprised when the corporate world does stupid things, because they’re often not very stupid in hindsight. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
I’m a big fan of gospel music, and you cannot be a fan of rock and roll, you cannot be a fan of country western music, and you can’t really be a fan of jazz without listening to a lot of music that’s religious. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
The definition of a stupid thing is something that if you do everything right, you still get hurt. Fire-eating and love are stupid things. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
I like movies that are scary, but I don’t want them to be dirt dumb. I want a movie that gets my blood racing, makes me laugh, but also gives me something to think about, with maybe a little sexy thrown in. Hollywood doesn’t make movies like that. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
If you believe that there’s a heaven and hell . . . how much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that? (Penn Jillette Quotes)
When 9/11 hit, the second thing I said to myself was, ‘This really is what religious people do.’ Those people flying the plane were very good, very pious, truly faithful believers. There’s no other way to paint them. Of course, they are extremists by definition, but they certainly aren’t going against Islam in any real way. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
One of the things that Teller and I are obsessed with, one of the reasons that we’re in magic, is the difference between fantasy and reality. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
Behaving morally because of a hope of reward or a fear of punishment is not morality (Penn Jillette Quotes)
Behaving morally because of a hope of reward or a fear of punishment is not morality. Morality is not bribery or threats. Religion is bribery and threats. Humans have morality. We don’t need religion. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
Religion is faith. Faith is belief without evidence. Belief without evidence cannot be shared. Faith is a feeling. Love is also a feeling, but love makes no universal claims. Love is pure. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
The fact that the majority wants something good does not give them the right to use force on the minority that don’t want to pay for it. If you have to use a gun, it’s not really a very good idea. Democracy without respect for individual rights sucks. It’s just ganging up on the weird kid, and I’m always the weird kid. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
Democracy without respect for individual rights sucks. It’s just ganging up against the weird kid, and I’m always the weird kid. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
Whereas you have someone like Houdini, who works really, really hard to get really, really famous, and then has actual intellectual ideas that he puts into the culture that stay there. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
I think it’s pretty cruel to give a kid a name that others are going to have. I think it’s very important to have a unique name within any group you’re likely to be in. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
Religion cannot and should not be replaced by atheism. Religion needs to go away and not be replaced by anything. Atheism is not a religion. It’s the absence of religion, and that’s a wonderful thing. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
I’m totally against straight marriage - even though I’m married. I don’t think heterosexual marriage is any of the government’s business. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
If you don’t pay your taxes and you don’t answer the warrant and you don’t go to court, eventually someone will pull a gun. Eventually someone with a gun will show up. I want everything the government does to be done, I just want it to be done voluntarily. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
I have a very specific definition of censorship. Censorship must be done by the government or it’s not censorship. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
My whole family is missing that sports gene. I hope I didn’t screw that up by marrying a great golfer. (Penn Jillette Quotes)
Thou shalt not take anything on faith (Penn Jillette Quotes)
Charities are really good. To a certain extent, the ones you pick are arbitrary (Penn Jillette Quotes)
For better or worse, in the 21st century, reality shows are the variety show (Penn Jillette Quotes)