People always ask about my influences, and they cite a bunch of people I've never heard of

People always ask about my influences, and they cite a bunch of people I've never heard of
Norton Juster is a renowned author and architect who is best known for his children's book "The Phantom Tollbooth." Juster's work has inspired countless readers and writers alike, and his unique blend of whimsy and intellect has earned him a dedicated following. However, despite his success and influence in the literary world, Juster has often found himself in the position of being asked about his influences by fans and critics alike.One of the most common questions that Juster receives is about the writers and artists who have inspired his work. However, Juster has often found himself at a loss when it comes to answering this question, as he is frequently cited a bunch of people he has never heard of. This can be a frustrating experience for Juster, as he is often expected to provide a list of influences that have shaped his writing style and creative vision.