People Quotes

Text Quotes
The oppressors develop a series of methods precluding any presentation of the world as a problem and showing it rather as a fixed entity, as something given--something to which people, as mere spectators, must adapt (People Quotes)
The road to revolution involves openness to the people, not imperviousness to them; it involves communion with the people, not mistrust (People Quotes)
Scientific and humanist revolutionary leaders, on the other hand, cannot believe in the myth of the ignorance of the people (People Quotes)
To simply think about the people, as the dominators do, without any self-giving in that thought, to fail to think with the people, is a sure way to cease being revolutionary leaders (People Quotes)
Some may think that to affirm dialogue - the encounter of women and men in the world in order to transform the world - is naively and subjectively idealistic. There is nothing, however, more real or concrete than people in the world and with the world, than humans with other humans (People Quotes)
The thematics which have come from the people return to them - not as contents to be deposited, but as problems to be solved (People Quotes)
The more educators and the people investigate the people's thinking, and are thus jointly educated, the more they continue to investigate (People Quotes)
Reflection upon situationality is reflection about the very condition of existence: critical thinking by means which people discover each other to be 'in a situation.' (People Quotes)
The revolutionary's role is to liberate, and to be liberated, with the people - not to win them over (People Quotes)
Dialogue cannot exist, however, in the absence of a profound love for the world and its people (People Quotes)
A deepened consciousness of their situation leads people to apprehend that situation as an historical reality susceptible of transformation (People Quotes)
In problem-posing education, people develop their power to perceive critically the way they exist in the world with which and in which they find themselves; they come to see the world not as a static reality, but as a reality in process, in transformation (People Quotes)
Indeed, some revolutionaries brand as innocents, dreamers, or even reactionaries; those who would challenge this educational practice. But one does not liberate people by alienating them. Authentic liberation - the process of humanization - is not another deposit to be made in men (People Quotes)
A real humanist can be identified more by his trust in the people, which engages him in their struggle (People Quotes)
When I was a fighting-man, the kettle-drums they beat, the people scattered gold-dust before my horses feet; but now I am a great king, the people hound my track with poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back (People Quotes)
The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he is really very good - in spite of all the people who say he is very good (People Quotes)
The government of a nation itself is usually found to be but the reflex of the individuals composing it. The government that is head of the people will be inevitably dragged down to their level, as the government that is behind them will in the long run be dragged up (People Quotes)
When oil and gas prices went up dramatically and filled up the state treasury, I sent a large share of that revenue back where it belonged - directly to the people of Alaska (People Quotes)
Americans expect us to go to Washington for the right reason, and not just to mingle with the right people (People Quotes)
Washington has got to, across the board, lower taxes for small businesses so that our mom and pops can reinvest and hire people, so that our businesses can thrive (People Quotes)
People know something has gone terribly wrong with our government and it has gotten so far off track. But people also know that there is nothing wrong in America that a good old-fashioned election can't fix (People Quotes)
Few things in life are less efficient than a group of people trying to write a sentence. The advantage of this method is that you end up with something for which you will not be personally blamed (People Quotes)
I'm slowly becoming a convert to the principle that you can't motivate people to do things, you can only demotivate them. The primary job of the manager is not to empower but to remove obstacles (People Quotes)
As you know, the best way to solve a problem is to identify the core belief that causes the problem; then mock that belief until the people who hold it insist that you heard them wrong (People Quotes)
People are so conditioned to take sides that a balanced analysis looks to them like hatred (People Quotes)
I calculated the total time that humans have waited for web pages to load. It cancels out all the productivity gains of the information age. Sometimes I think the web is a big plot to keep people like me away from normal society (People Quotes)
You don't have to be a "person of influence" to be influential. In fact, the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they've taught me (People Quotes)
Normal people don't understand this concept; they believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet (People Quotes)
When you hire that first person, then you're a boss. You've got performance reviews. You've got complaints about not making enough money. You've got people who are just going to sell your story to the tabloids (People Quotes)
Remind people that profit is the difference between revenue and expense. This makes you look smart (People Quotes)