People Quotes

Text Quotes
I don't think you can tell the objective truth about a person. That's why people write novels (People Quotes)
The ideas that come out of most brainstorming sessions are usually superficial, trivial, and not very original. They are rarely useful. The process, however, seems to make uncreative people feel that they are making innovative contributions and that others are listening to them (People Quotes)
Man is improvable. Some people think he is only a machine, and that the only difference between a man and a mill is, that one is carried by blood and the other by water (People Quotes)
For one person who dreams of making fifty thousand pounds, a hundred people dream of being left fifty thousand pounds (People Quotes)
The concept of two people living together for 25 years without a serious dispute suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep (People Quotes)
People must not do things for fun. We are not here for fun. There is no reference to fun in any Act of Parliament (People Quotes)
Like many people in Britain, I have an affectionate respect for the Queen, and am surprised that I should be having such republican thoughts (People Quotes)
Psychoanalysts believe that the only `normal` people are those who cause no trouble either to themselves or anyone else (People Quotes)
I don`t like it when people don`t look me dead in the eye. I move my head around trying to catch their eye (People Quotes)
Universities are not here to be mediums for the coercion of other people, they`re here to be mediums for the free exchange of ideas (People Quotes)
My goal has been to encourage jointness, to push people to think of affiliations rather than to operate as solo entrepreneurs (People Quotes)
The most unhappy people are the ones who always undervalue what they have, and overvalue what others have (People Quotes)
Don't base your decisions on the advice of people who don't have to deal with the results (People Quotes)
Be with people who knows your worth. You don't need a lot of people to be happy, just a few who appreciate you for who you are (People Quotes)
What makes some people important is not just the happiness you feel when you are with them, but the pain you feel when you miss them (People Quotes)
The people that are quick to walk away are the ones that never intended to stay (People Quotes)
Drama doesn't just walk into your life. You either create it, invite it, or you associate with people who love to bring it into your life (People Quotes)
I hope people believe my crappy, last minute, thrown together Halloween costume is supposed to be Lady Gaga (People Quotes)
People spend a lifetime looking for more, when they could have spent a lifetime enjoying what life has offered (People Quotes)
Some people choose to stay single simply because they are tired of giving everything and ending up with nothing (People Quotes)
You're in charge of not letting people get to you. They can't pull the trigger if you don't give them the gun (People Quotes)
Sometimes you just have to distance yourself from people. If they care, they'll notice. If they don't, you know where you stand (People Quotes)
Being called weird is like being called Limited Edition. It means you're something people don't see that often (People Quotes)
People say follow your heart. But which way do you go when your heart breaks in two? (People Quotes)
You just can't assume that everything will always be the same, because things change, especially people (People Quotes)
Anyone can make you smile, many people can make you cry, but it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes (People Quotes)
Love is something that two people work on every day, you never give up on the person you love (People Quotes)
If people are talking about you behind your back, chances are you're in front of them (People Quotes)
What other people say about you is not a reflection of you but a reflection of them (People Quotes)
Stop chasing after people who doesn't care about you. Pause to see those who are running beside you (People Quotes)