People Quotes

Text Quotes
Somehow, like so many people who get depressed, we felt our depressions were more complicated and existentially based than they actually were (People Quotes)
Greatness brings no profit to people. God indeed, when in anger, brings greater ruin to great men's houses (People Quotes)
People love to see death. It reminds them that however mean, however low, however horrible their lives become… at least they have one (People Quotes)
All men know their children mean more than life. If childless people sneer - well, they've less sorrow. But what lonesome luck! (People Quotes)
People have often accused me of inconsistency but I feel that I have always, at any given junction, done the same thing. Exactly what I pleased (People Quotes)
The studio people want me to do good-bye Charlie for the movies, but I'm not going to do it. I don't like the idea of playing a man in a woman's body - you know? It just doesn't seem feminine (People Quotes)
People feel fame gives them some kind of privilege to walk up to you and say anything to you, of any kind of nature - and it won't hurt your feelings - like it's happening to your clothing (People Quotes)
It always amazes me, how swiftly problems can be solved, once you start cutting things off people (People Quotes)
We are all born sexual creatures, thank God, but it's a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift (People Quotes)
I've often stood silent at a party for hours listening to my movie idols turn into dull and little people (People Quotes)
I am tired of everyone keeping their secrets so well that they get other people killed. We are all involved in your game, and it seems we are not as easily repaired as teacups (People Quotes)
People never outgrow wanting to be liked for being who they truly are, especially when they've grown up in the limelight or its shadowy edge (People Quotes)
I wanted to ask a thousand questions, but there was no one to ask. Besides I knew that people only told lies to children - lies about everything from soup to Santa Claus (People Quotes)
Love is a luxury. It's something that people are allowed to indulge in when they're not simply trying to survive and keep other people alive (People Quotes)
Most people in the world are Christ lovers. And then there are Christ haters. But all of them are fixated on Christ, and he perpetuates for ever (People Quotes)
We all want to be famous people, and the moment we want to be something we are no longer free (People Quotes)
Now I feel like we weren't made for each other. We're making each other - into the people we should become (People Quotes)
People are naive about such things, and they would rather write them off as evil than attempt to understand them. An unfortunate truth, but a truth nonetheless (People Quotes)
Some people feel love in their hearts, Julie. Some of us feel it all way into our souls. We're the ones who can't forget (People Quotes)
People know the difference between good and evil in their hearts - if they search them. Religions twist good and evil. Their differences are the kind that need to be taught because they aren't natural (People Quotes)
There's a difference between the fact that the universe is inherently unfair on a cosmic level, and the fact that life is unfair because people are actively making it so (People Quotes)
Here's a quick rule of thumb: Don't annoy science fiction writers. These are people who destroy entire planets before lunch. Think of what they'll do to you (People Quotes)
You can't live your life to suit other people. The harder you try, the more restrictions they'll put on you just for the fun of seeing you jump through their hoops (People Quotes)
Where do you get your ideas? people ask. Sometimes they're at the bottoms of cups of tea. Sometimes they're lurking in my shower. Sometimes they're waiting patiently in glass cases in museums (People Quotes)
The past stays on you the way powdered sugar stays on your fingers. Some people can get rid of it but it's still there, the events and things that pushed you to where you are now (People Quotes)
Never anger a sci-fi writer. These people destroy entire planets over lunch. Imagine what they'll do to you (People Quotes)
This is not magic. This is the way the world is, only very few people take the time to stop and note it (People Quotes)
There are simply more young people than there ever were. You get this feeling of strength. Also, large numbers can be a drawback, making it difficult to lose one's anonymity (People Quotes)
They seek each other out, these people of such specific like mind. They tell of how they found the circus, how those first few steps were like magic (People Quotes)
I had the story, bit by bit, from various people, and, as generally happens in such cases, each time it was a different story (People Quotes)