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Post-human intelligence will develop hypercomputers with the processing power to simulate living things - even entire worlds. Perhaps advanced beings could use hypercomputers to surpass the best ‘special effects’ in movies or computer games so vastly that they could simulate a world, fully, as complex as the one we perceive ourselves to be in. (Perceive Quotes)
It doesn’t matter if people perceive me as being a little strange. I think overall, even when I am on stage, when people see me, I am setting an example. (Perceive Quotes)
When someone becomes successful or rich and famous, people perceive that person as being different. But I’m the same guy I’ve always been. (Perceive Quotes)
Here’s what’s terrifying about Ebola. Ebola is invisible. It’s a monster without a face. With the science that we have now, we can perceive Ebola as being not one thing but as a swarm, and the swarm is moving through the human population and expanding its numbers. It has the qualities of a monster. (Perceive Quotes)
None of the modes by which a magistrate is appointed, popular election, the accident of the lot, or the accident of birth, affords, as far as we can perceive, much security for his being wiser than any of his neighbours. (Perceive Quotes)
As a whole, the managers today are different in temperament. Most have very good communication skills and are more understanding of the umpire’s job. That doesn’t mean they are better managers. It just means that I perceive today’s managers a bit differently. (Perceive Quotes)
I don’t think I’m capable of making radical changes, but over a period of four or five years you can perceive very big changes, and they seem rather small at the time. (Perceive Quotes)
I’m beginning to perceive motherhood as a long, slow letting go, of which birth is just the first step. (Perceive Quotes)
Love is never blind; it sees with ucute clarity. A closed mind, wounded heart, and a bitter disposition surely cannot perceive love’s myriad ways of communicating. (Perceive Quotes)
Ascension is the triumph of mastered emotions; a process of gaining clarity in the darkness of blind spots and struggles, allowing you to perceive with the karmic intelligence of the Soul. (Perceive Quotes)
What we perceive things to be when they come out of our mouth is not what the listener perceives it to be. They think it differently. They’re not your blood. They’re not your mind. You get in an argument. (Perceive Quotes)
So how critics will perceive your film or your work, or whether your movie is going to make $100 million at the box office, or whether you are going to be winning any awards - well, you have no control over that. (Perceive Quotes)
I believe that there is something far nobler than loyalty to any particular man. Loyalty to the truth as we perceive it - loyalty to our duty as we know it - loyalty to the ideals of our brain and heart - is, to my mind, far greater and far nobler than loyalty to the life of any particular man or God. . . . (Perceive Quotes)
If you spend too much time worrying about how other people perceive you, you’ll never break the rules. (Perceive Quotes)
What you wear can be such an indicator of so many things. You know, how you feel, how you want others to perceive you. So, that is an absolutely essential part of building a character. (Perceive Quotes)
Be careful with how you make the world perceive you, because they’ll perceive you like that for the rest of your life. (Perceive Quotes)
I guess I try to find the humor by juxtaposing deeper themes in literature with what people perceive as being lighter, disposable children’s fare in comics. (Perceive Quotes)
The truth is, I can’t help the way people perceive anything, from the role of financial industry in the economic crisis, to the place of women’s fiction in the canon of modern literature, to the rank of mint chocolate chip ice cream as a favorite Baskin-Robbins flavor. (Perceive Quotes)
I don’t have control over how people choose to perceive me. The only thing I have control over is my writing. (Perceive Quotes)
We don’t perceive a contradiction between writing books, making films or producing a television program. These days you can’t choose how you want to express yourself anymore. (Perceive Quotes)
Your fellow man is your mirror. If your own face is clean, the image you perceive will also be flawless. (Perceive Quotes)
The seed of mystery lies in muddy water. How can I perceive this mystery? Water becomes clear through stillness. How can I become still? By flowing with the stream. (Perceive Quotes)
Iraqi national identity under Saddam Hussein never truly incorporated Shiites or Kurds. Sunnis, who identified most closely with the Iraqi nation, remain in some ways disenfranchised relative to the other groups, or at least they perceive themselves that way. (Perceive Quotes)
It is a responsibility we perceive from the entire international community to protect the stability of the single currency as well as the European frame work. (Perceive Quotes)
Freedom, which is an aspect of health, remains impossible as long as we perceive our bodies as a complete definition of ourselves. (Perceive Quotes)
There’s a misconception that maybe I’m overly confident or a little vapid or that I am a stereotypical, bratty, spoiled girl who doesn’t have much to bring to the table other than how people perceive her physically. (Perceive Quotes)
A lot of people perceive women as sexy based on their outer appeal. But there’s no way to mistake if a woman is confident. (Perceive Quotes)
The world that we perceive is a reflection of our own states of mind and reveals our own level of consciousness. (Perceive Quotes)
Let the wise one control his thoughts, for they are difficult to perceive, often elusive, and they rush about frantically: a mind well controlled achieves peace and happiness. (Perceive Quotes)
I have no control whatsoever on how people perceive me from the Right or the Left. All I have control over is who I say I am. (Perceive Quotes)