Perceive Quotes

Text Quotes
When humility enters our souls, we are at last able to perceive that we do not live alone in the world but with millions of brothers and sisters, and that hidden in the heart of each is the same animating spirit (Perceive Quotes)
When we consider the incidents of former days, and perceive, while reviewing the long line of causes, how the most important events of our lives originated in the most trifling circumstances; how the beginning of our greatest happiness or greatest misery is to be attributed to a delay, to an accident, to a mistake; we learn a lesson of profound humility (Perceive Quotes)
There are many beautiful things in the world around us, but pearls can only be discovered in the depths of the sea; if we wish to posses spiritual pearls we must plunge into the depths, that is, we must pray, we must sink down into the secret depths of contemplation and prayer. Then we shall perceive precious pearls (Perceive Quotes)
When we speak of choice, what we mean is the ability to exercise control over ourselves and our environment. In order to choose, we must first perceive that control is possible (Perceive Quotes)
He’s a blockhead who wants a proof of what he cannot perceive. And he’s a fool a fool who tries to make such a blockhead believe (Perceive Quotes)
Each of us is great insofar as we perceive and act on the infinite possibilities which lie undiscovered and unrecognized about us (Perceive Quotes)
If, after a rigid examination, it be found an imposition, it should be extensively published to the world as such; the evidences and arguments on which the imposture was detected, should be clearly and logically stated, that those who have been sincerely yet unfortunately deceived, may perceive the nature of the deception and be reclaimed, and that those who continue to publish the delusion, may be exposed and silenced (Perceive Quotes)
We never really perceive what color really is, as it physically is. This fact makes color the most relative medium in art (Perceive Quotes)
Sometimes I perceive that there is a stillness and a wholeness in the world or in some portion or corner or fragment of the world or some little place in time where things just feel so right and huge and powerful and easy that I will have the perhaps blasphemous thought maybe there are layers of heaven (Perceive Quotes)
Their vain presumption of knowing all can take beginning solely from their never having known anything; for if one has but once experienced the perfect knowledge of one thing, and truly tasted what it is to know, he shall perceive that of infinite other conclusions he understands not so much as one (Perceive Quotes)
I was different unique and always happy. At school this attracted playground harassment. Nowadays, while I remain effervescent, quicker to perceive enmity I reserve my warmest touches and smiles for those who smolder with envy (Perceive Quotes)
We know there is a sun in heaven, yet we cannot see what matter it is made of, but perceive it only by the beams, light and heat. Election is a sun, the eyes of eagles cannot see it, yet we may find it in the heat of vocation, in the light of illumination, in the beams of good works (Perceive Quotes)
A time will come when the eye of man will perceive colors as feelings within itself (Perceive Quotes)
When we trace the part of which this terrestrial system is composed, and when we view the general connection of those several parts, the whole presents a machine of a peculiar construction by which it is adapted to a certain end. We perceive a fabric, erected in wisdom, to obtain a purpose worthy of the power that is apparent in the production of it (Perceive Quotes)
And so I conclude that blood lives and is nourished of itself and in no way depends on any other part of the body as being prior to it or more excellent... So that from this we may perceive the causes not only of life in general... but also of longer or shorter life, of sleeping and waking, of skill, of strength and so forth (Perceive Quotes)
As I became aware that all things have unique spatial and temporal qualities which visually define and relate them, I began to perceive the things I was photographing not as objects but as events. Working to develop my skills of perceiving and symbolizing these event qualities, I discovered the principle of opposites. When, for example, I photographed the smooth, luminous body of a woman behind a dirty cobwebbed window, I found that the qualities of each event were enhanced and the universal forces which they manifested were more powerfully evoked (Perceive Quotes)
I’m beginning to perceive motherhood as a long, slow letting go, of which birth is just the first step (Perceive Quotes)
The main thing you can change is how you perceive yourself. Stop looking in the mirror and realize that youre living for yourself, not other people (Perceive Quotes)
The biggest lie is the lie we tell ourselves in the distorted visions we have of ourselves, blocking out some sections, enhancing others. What remains are not the cold facts of life, but how we perceive them. That’s really who we are (Perceive Quotes)
Labels are boring and often have nothing to with the person; it is just the way others perceive you, or choose to perceive you (Perceive Quotes)
I think the lack of critical engagement with the food that we eat demonstrates the extent to which the commodity form has become the primary way in which we perceive the world (Perceive Quotes)
Neglect of mathematics work injury to all knowledge, since he who is ignorant of it cannot know the other sciences or things of this world. And what is worst, those who are thus ignorant are unable to perceive their own ignorance, and so do not seek a remedy (Perceive Quotes)
Once it is out of his hand the artist has no control over the way a viewer will perceive the work. Different people will understand the same thing in a different way (Perceive Quotes)
We are surrounded by curtains. We only perceive the world behind a curtain of semblance. At the same time, an object needs to be covered in order to be recognized at all (Perceive Quotes)
A good kitchen should be sufficiently remote from the principal apartments of the house, that the members, visitors, or guests of the family, may not perceive the odour incident to cooking, or hear the noise of culinary operations (Perceive Quotes)
It seems to me that the poet has only to perceive that which others do not perceive, to look deeper than others look. And the mathematician must do the same thing (Perceive Quotes)
I think that my work is easy to understand because I am not a thinker, I am not a... How can I put it? I write the way I perceive, I guess (Perceive Quotes)
Several times in my life I’ve gone through long periods without sex or any other kind of physical contact. The hunger it produces is deep and low; it’s possible to lose track of it, to forget or fail to perceive how it’s emptied everything out of you and made the world papery and thin. Touch starved, you brush against existence like a stick against dry leaves. You become insubstantial yourself, a hungry ghost (Perceive Quotes)
If, as some savants of consciousness suggest, we are actually agreeing to create, from moment to moment, everything we perceive as real, then it stands to reason that we’re also responsible for keeping it going in some harmonious manner (Perceive Quotes)
The state of empathy, or being empathic, is to perceive the internal frame of reference of another with accuracy and with the emotional components and meanings which pertain thereto as if one were the person (Perceive Quotes)