Percent Quotes

Text Quotes
Raising minimum wage doesn’t just benefit the workers behind me, it creates a proven ripple effect that increases wages all the way up the scale... Let’s get the facts straight, only 20 percent of people making the minimum wage are teenagers. The rest are hardworking adults, many of them with families, and I mean hardworking (Percent Quotes)
When we are not engaged in thinking about some definite problem, we usually spend about 95 percent of our time thinking about ourselves. Now, if we stop thinking about ourselves for a while and begin to think of the other person’s good points, we won’t have to resort to flattery so cheap and false that it can be spotted almost before it is out of the mouth (Percent Quotes)
The cost of congressional and presidential campaigns has been leaping every two or four years. I think this year it will be 60 percent more than 1996; well over twice as much as in 1992 in the presidential and congressional races (Percent Quotes)
Guessing what the pitcher is going to throw is eighty percent of being a successful hitter. The other twenty percent is just execution (Percent Quotes)
Over the last two decades, america has increased its demand for oil by nearly 30 percent, yet we have not expanded our ability to produce domestic sources of fuel (Percent Quotes)
We have destroyed 80 percent of the statues. There is only small amount left and we will destroy that soon (Percent Quotes)
First of all, I only get 50 percent of it, because, I mean, the galleries get 50 and 60 percent. I mean, that’s normal. I understand that. I don’t quarrel with that (Percent Quotes)
I decided to do the maximum to hold onto the lead for as long as possible. That is why I pushed so hard from the beginning. I was at 100 percent concentration (Percent Quotes)
The booking agent had the audacity to take 10 percent, so we wound up with about $100 a week apiece (Percent Quotes)
Recently released government economic statistics covering 2010, the first year of real recovery from the financial collapse of 2008, found that fully 93 percent of additional income gains coming out of the recession went straight into the wallets and purses of the top 1 percent (Percent Quotes)
How is the government going to run without people like us? We make 35 percent of the bread in this country, and that much of the margarine, and cooking oil, and all the other things (Percent Quotes)
When I became governor, spending actually increased 28 percent my first term. Revenue increased 42 percent my first term without raising anybody’s taxes. We did it because we had more taxpayers with more taxable income. That’s how you get the revenue up. We did that without raising anybody’s taxes (Percent Quotes)
We are making a little portion of their brains be sprinters; they are 100 percent football players, but for these purposes, they must learn the proper way to run (Percent Quotes)
With 3 percent of the world’s resources and 25 percent of the world’s demand, it is pretty obvious this country cannot drill its way to energy security (Percent Quotes)
Now we maintain that we cannot be afford to be concerned about 6 percent of the children in this country, black children, who you allow to come into white schools. We have 94 percent who still live in shacks. We are going to be concerned about those 94 percent (Percent Quotes)
Ninety percent of people’s nightmares is standing in front of 1,000 people. Did you know that? and having to speak. You would have thought it would have been a madman tying you up and taking your eyes out (Percent Quotes)
Here is my general approach to the energy companies. You have already charged the utilities a 50 percent credit penalty for the power they were buying from you. You’re charging us a penalty. You’re not going to get two bites of the apple here (Percent Quotes)
Right now we think that rates will stay low, that you’ll be able to get a mortgage below seven percent and that’s kicked off a refinance boom that’s going to put more money in the pockets of consumers (Percent Quotes)
We are shrinking the size of the federal government as a percent of our economy from over 21 percent of the economy to 19 percent of the economy. At the same time, we’re growing the private economy (Percent Quotes)
The pollution they produce, market, sell, and show to billions around the world is at its core contemptuous of the country that gave them better lives than nearly 100 percent of everybody who’s ever lived. and they pass that contempt along for everyone to see (Percent Quotes)
Today, our economy is divided: fifty percent is the public economy and fifty percent is the private economy that includes small companies employing from 4 to 200 workers (Percent Quotes)
Seventy percent of what I write, I throw out. I can write very easily, but writing original things is the hard bit (Percent Quotes)
It’s a lot like life. I think 99 percent of what goes on in life, we have very little control over (Percent Quotes)
This country is going to implode, or put another way, it’s going to get crushed under the weight of poverty. You can’t have one percent of the people who own and control more wealth than the other 90 percent of the population (Percent Quotes)
And when I was saying I want to become number one of the world and I was 7, 8 years old, most of the people were laughing to me. Because you know, it seemed like I have one percent chances to do that. and I’ve done it (Percent Quotes)
I don’t think anyone could write about another culture and get it 100 percent accurate (Percent Quotes)
Americans now know that housing prices can go down and they can go down by 10, 20, 30, and in some cases, 40 or 50 percent. We know they can go down. But five years ago, we thought they could only go up (Percent Quotes)
The biodiesel we use is 100 percent, it has no petroleum in it. It was already used in fryers throughout our local area. It’s already had one life and now it’s going to be used again, which is nice (Percent Quotes)
I spent ninety percent of my money on wine, women and song and just wasted the other ten percent (Percent Quotes)
We measure very carefully what the positives are and I think it is less than one tenth of one percent, so we are very pleased with the accuracy of our biometric checks and we continue to monitor that (Percent Quotes)