Percent Quotes

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If you say to yourself, okay, I will not self-destruct. I don’t have to be the most talented person. I don’t have to be everybody’s best friend, I don’t have to be liked, I don’t have to be successful, well, one thing I will not do is self-destruct. If you take that out, your chances for success just went up like 800 percent (Percent Quotes)
We’re [Clinton Foundation] trying to get rapid tests that give you results when you’re right there on site at an affordable price. Ninety percent of the HIV-positive people in the world don’t know they have the infection. An enormous amount of infections are being perpetrated by people who don’t know they themselves are HIV positive (Percent Quotes)
Half of all kids in public education are below the poverty line. Two-thirds of the achievement gap comes from factors outside of school. Teachers influence about seven to ten percent of what happens in kids’ lives. When you think about those statistics, you have to think about how to re-envision education so it’s holistic and so we share responsibility (Percent Quotes)
Ninety percent of games lose money; 10 percent make a lot of money. And theres a consistency around the competitive advantages you create, so if you can actually learn how to do the art, the design, and the programming, you would be consistently very profitable (Percent Quotes)
Im 100 percent behind the Second Amendment. I believe its not just a hunting right. Its a right for everyone to carry their weapons (Percent Quotes)
The Internet is all about accessing entertainment. Realistically, 50 to 80 percent of all traffic is people downloading stuff for free. If you can turn that huge market share into something that you can monetize, even if it is just with ads, you will end up making more money than with all other revenue streams combined (Percent Quotes)
According to FBI statistics for 2008, only 22 percent of murder victims were killed by strangers. More than 30 percent were slain by family members, boyfriends, and girlfriends. Nearly half of all murders were committed by friends, neighbors, and casual acquaintances (Percent Quotes)
You beat 50 percent of the people in America by working hard. You beat 40 percent by being a person of honesty and integrity and standing for something. The last 10 percent is a dogfight in the free enterprise system (Percent Quotes)
One-hundred percent, even now I doubt myself. I don’t understand what people hear in my voice. I can’t hear it myself, if you know what I mean (Percent Quotes)
More retirees, longer life expectancy, larger benefits, and fewer workers - these trends have meant substantial increases in the payroll tax. Since the social security program began, the payroll tax has increased more than 500 percent (Percent Quotes)
LinkedIn’s got a little progress bar. It wants you to do things like sign up 10 of your friends. It does that near the end. At the beginning it’s like, ‘You put in your name. 20 percent progress! How about some other information?’ People want to fill in that progress bar. They like to complete a task. They like to check a box (Percent Quotes)
As [House] speaker, I came back, working with President Bill Clinton. We passed a very Reagan-like program: less regulation, lower taxes. Unemployment dropped to 4.2 percent. We created 11 million jobs (Percent Quotes)
The big winner last night in New Hampshire - Senator John Kerry. He won 39 percent of the vote, which is pretty good, and begs the question, why the long face? (Percent Quotes)
Newt Gingrich had a horrible week in the Iowa caucuses. Only 13 percent of his ex-wives voted for him (Percent Quotes)
Mitt Romney is coming under fire because even though he is a multimillionaire, he only paid 15 percent in taxes. That’s not a tax, that’s barely a tip (Percent Quotes)
Twitch launched in June of 2011, and our growth ever since has exceeded even my expectations, which were not small. A year and a half later, the community of broadcasters and viewers has multiplied hundreds of percent (Percent Quotes)
An asteroid can literally destroy 80 or 90 percent of the species that are alive on Earth. These are big events. I mean, this is called extinction (Percent Quotes)
Confidence is key. You’re not going to leave your money with me unless you’re confident I’m going to give it back to you. And at this point, when treasury bills, seven day treasury bills at 1/20th of one percent, it’s not because people want to earn 1/20th of one percent, it’s because they trust the fact the treasury will give it back to them next week (Percent Quotes)
While the demand for organic food outstrips supply, we happen to know that 77 percent of consumers don’t want genetically engineered crops grown in this country. Consumers can choose whether or not to buy organic produce. Genetically modified ingredients will deny us choice in the long run (Percent Quotes)
To declare war on ninety-nine percent of bacteria when less than percent of them threaten our health makes no sense. Many of the bacteria we’re killing are our protectors (Percent Quotes)
A new poll found that 43 percent of Americans think President Obama is doing a good job at handling the BP oil spill. Of course, the same poll found that 43 percent of Americans hate pelicans (Percent Quotes)
I think that texting and driving is a 100 percent no-go. I think it should be banned everywhere because you cannot be focused on looking ahead, in the mirrors, being aware of what’s around you, and to type on a small keyboard and a small screen (Percent Quotes)
In a new poll 54 percent believed President Bush exaggerated the size of Iraq’s missile threat. Hey, he’s a guy (Percent Quotes)
In a new poll of Democratic voters, presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee came in with zero percent support. Or in other words: We’re all tied with presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee (Percent Quotes)
The White House is defending President Obama’s sports activities over the past week, saying that everyone needs leisure time. Thanks to these economic policies, 9.5 percent of Americans have all the leisure time they need (Percent Quotes)
There’s tens of millions of families with single mothers who are living at 100 to 200 percent below the poverty level and these are not women that are on welfare, these are working women. How different would there life be if they’re making an extra 40 to 60 cents to the dollar. We can’t do this to our kids anymore (Percent Quotes)
Divorce is contagious. That’s right - when you have a close couple friend split up, it increases your chances of getting a divorce by 75 percent (Percent Quotes)
A four percent growth strategy means you fix a convoluted tax code. You get in and you change every aspect of regulations that are job killers. You get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something that doesn’t suppress wages and kill jobs (Percent Quotes)
It’s estimated that about 30 percent of the increase in grain prices could be attributed to the decision to embrace biofuels, particularly corn-based ethanol. It has done nothing for climate change and the business is in real trouble now with the collapse of oil prices. It’s completely dependent on a dollar subsidy and tariff from the government (Percent Quotes)
I have no lucky charm. I am 100 percent superstition-free, and I take nothing for granted (Percent Quotes)