Percent Quotes

Text Quotes
As you go about your life, don’t give 100 percent of your attention to the external world and your mind. Keep some within. (Percent Quotes)
I think that trade is an important issue. Of course, we are 5 percent of the world’s population; we have to trade with the other 95 percent. And we need to have smart, fair trade deals. (Percent Quotes)
Eighty percent of the things I do are not natural for my personality. I believe you have to fake it till you make it. Act like you’re confident and you’ll get there. (Percent Quotes)
Nobody is strong 100 percent of the time, or falling apart 100 percent of the time; sometimes you’re doing both at once. (Percent Quotes)
Antivirus systems need to strike a balance between detecting all possible attacks without causing any false alarms. And while we try to improve on this all the time, there will never be a solution that is 100 percent perfect. (Percent Quotes)
The worst thing a man can admit is ‘I’m not 100 percent fulfilled by my family.’ But it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love his family. I love my family, but I still want to work; I still want challenges. It took me a while to fall in love with the responsibility of family life, and it was a deep thing when I did. (Percent Quotes)
Charles Darwin and I and you broke off from the family tree from chimpanzees about five million years ago. They’re still our closest genetic kin. We share 98.8 percent of the genes. We share more genes with them than zebras do with horses. And we’re also their closest cousin. They have more genetic relation to us than to gorillas. (Percent Quotes)
Most people who become suddenly famous overnight will find that they lose practically eighty percent of their friends. Your old friends just can’t stand it for some reason. (Percent Quotes)
We have never pushed it far enough to know, but we decided 47 percent was the right percentage. You can quote us on that. It’s very mathematical. (Percent Quotes)
Mr. Speaker, less than 10 percent of our Nation’s children walk or ride their bicycles to school, and too many schools continue to invite fast-food vendors into their cafeterias. (Percent Quotes)
One study found that people who just thought about watching their favorite movie actually raised their endorphin levels by 27 percent. (Percent Quotes)
90 percent of the people in the world make their decisions based on fear (Percent Quotes)
It is being alleged that the Federal Government is ‘cutting’ spending. In fact, we are not ‘cutting’ anything. Defense spending under this budget would rise by 4.3 percent over last year. Other discretionary spending would also rise. (Percent Quotes)
Ford’s federal income tax rate was just 2.3 percent in 2009 even though it made $3 billion in profits. (Percent Quotes)
What I do for a living means that people look at me. As an actress, you are scrutinized. You are not just dealing with your looks privately, you are on display. I have never been 100 percent comfortable in my own skin. I go through different phases. But I don’t feel beautiful all the time, no. (Percent Quotes)
Let’s say I’m not feeling well, and somebody would say to me, ‘Just do an easy show, just go out and do a light...’ - I can’t! I cannot do that kind of a show. I have to still put 150 percent into it, and it’s funny: it’s so healing to do that. (Percent Quotes)
When I came to M.I.T. in 1960, only 4 percent of the students were female. Today, it’s about 40 percent of undergraduates. At Lincoln Lab, they had 1,000 men and two women. But we had a very good boss, and he treated us just like everybody else. (Percent Quotes)
I’m not interested in making a diagnostic novel or a concern. I’m 100 percent committed in fiction to the pleasure principle - that’s what fiction is, and should be. (Percent Quotes)
I’m 100 percent serious. I’ve been fighting for equality for women’s issues my entire life, in the military included. (Percent Quotes)
Film acting would be about 80 percent better than it has been lately if actors did their homework, if they didn’t have egos that took the size of their talent for granted. (Percent Quotes)
After working for a while, I realized that acting was only satisfying about 30 percent of what interested me about the filmmaking process. Somewhere around age seventeen, I started to realize that if I’m very particular about the people I work with, then I can have the best sort of master class possible. (Percent Quotes)
We’ve been paying for 100 percent of preventive care. But if you’re not getting annual physicals, then you’re not going to gain a financial incentive, so effectively your insurance premium with us will go up. (Percent Quotes)
We are all used to paying a sales tax when we buy things - almost 9 percent here in New York City. The application of this concept to the financial sector could solve our need for revenue, bring some sanity back into the financial sector, and give us a way to raise the revenue we need to run the government in a fiscally responsible way. (Percent Quotes)
I would say 70 percent of people who are in therapy are in therapy not because of their upbringing, not because of their mean sister or obsessions, but because of anxiety brought about by lack of financial security. (Percent Quotes)
I never coast through a workout. This is been great for me physically, but it’s also become a problem in two ways. One is that no matter how I’m feeling on a given day, I will absolutely kill myself in the gym, and it takes a huge amount of energy do that. I commit 110 percent. The other problem is that finding a workout partner is impossible. (Percent Quotes)
It’s easy to get published once you have written a really good book and the hard part, 99 percent of what you need to worry about, is really finishing it. (Percent Quotes)
America has a terrible educational problem in the sense that we have too many youngsters not finishing school. A third of our kids don’t finish high school, 50 percent of minorities don’t finish high school. (Percent Quotes)
I think higher ed in the U.S. is fairly healthy, and by global standards it dominates, and it makes people more productive. But a lot of our K-12 is a disaster. And the single most important reform would just be to fire the worst ten or 15 percent of teachers in the lot, and we would have massive improvements. (Percent Quotes)
Ninety-nine percent of the world’s lovers are not with their first choice. That’s what makes the jukebox play. (Percent Quotes)
Most of the comics that I talk to I’ve never talked to for more than ten minutes ever. So 95 percent of the time you’re really hearing the first conversation between me and that guy on the podcast. (Percent Quotes)