Perfect Me Quotes

Text Quotes
The decent method you follow is better than the perfect method you quit (Perfect Me Quotes)
All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was (Perfect Me Quotes)
I once heard a wise man say there are no perfect men. Only perfect intentions (Perfect Me Quotes)
Fathering is not something perfect men do, but something that perfects the man (Perfect Me Quotes)
The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men (Perfect Me Quotes)
You can’t be the perfect member of Congress and the perfect mother 100 percent of the time. And probably, you’d be a pretty annoying person if you were (Perfect Me Quotes)
At the beginning of meditation training thoughts will arrive one on top of another, uninterrupted, like a steep mountain waterfall. Gradually, as you perfect meditation, thoughts become like the water in a deep, narrow gorge, then a great river slowly winding its way down to the sea; finally the mind becomes like a still and placid ocean, ruffled by only the occasional ripple or wave (Perfect Me Quotes)
It is an error common to many artists, who strive merely to avoid mistakes, when all our efforts should be to create positive and important work. Better positive and important with mistakes and failures than perfect mediocrity (Perfect Me Quotes)
Radio is such a perfect medium for the transmission of poetry, primarily because there just is the voice, there’s no visual distraction (Perfect Me Quotes)
I’m interested in humor, and greeting cards just happen to be a perfect medium for my message. They’re accessible to everyone, and thanks to all the advances that have been made by environmentally conscientious printers, I can get my message across while keeping my carbon footprint relatively small (Perfect Me Quotes)
The advantage of the gypsy language, even though I don’t understand it that much, the language is perfect melody. So if you propose the movie the way I do, then the language is just one part of the melody. Orchestrating all inside, and the language is following the meaning of what they say, and it’s never the same as written (Perfect Me Quotes)
The practice of meditation is emptying the mind. When the mind is empty, completely empty, it’s perfect meditation. It’s really that simple (Perfect Me Quotes)
We’ll leave now, so that this moment will remain a perfect memory... let it be our song and think of me every time you hear it (Perfect Me Quotes)
Around age 40 I put on twenty pounds. I had always had a perfect metabolism. But, my metabolism betrayed me as it does most people, except a very rare few who will always be thin (Perfect Me Quotes)
A slice of hot, buttered toast is the perfect meal. It’s not too much and not too little, and it gives you just the right buzz (Perfect Me Quotes)
Cats are dangerous companions for writers because cat watching is a near-perfect method of writing avoidance (Perfect Me Quotes)
Then I strip the pants away from each leg, like peeling a banana. That’s it, the perfect metaphor: peeling a banana (Perfect Me Quotes)
I don’t need a fantasy life as once I did. That is the life of the imagination that I had a great need for. Films were the perfect means for satisfying that need (Perfect Me Quotes)
The law isn’t justice. It’s a very imperfect mechanism. If you press exactly the right buttons and are also lucky, justice may show up in the answer. A mechanism is all the law was ever intended to be (Perfect Me Quotes)
Meals make the society, hold the fabric together in lots of ways that were charming and interesting and intoxicating to me. The perfect meal, or the best meals, occur in a context that frequently has very little to do with the food itself (Perfect Me Quotes)
A perfect method for awakening is to examine the results of our daily actions. If they are harmful, we know we need more consciousness (Perfect Me Quotes)
Plants are the young of the world, vessels of health and vigor; but they grope ever upward towards consciousness; the trees are imperfect men, and seem to bemoan their imprisonment, rooted in the ground (Perfect Me Quotes)
It is a curious fact that in bad days we can very vividly recall the good time that is now no more; but that in good days, we have only a very cold and imperfect memory of the bad (Perfect Me Quotes)
All of a sudden I discovered that I’m allergic to caviar. It was the perfect metaphor for my life. When I was only able to afford bad caviar, I could certainly eat my fill of it (Perfect Me Quotes)
Once, long ago in her world, a sunny day in spring was her favorite, but now a sunny day in winter delights her more. It is the perfect metaphor for their love. Sunshine on ice. She warms his frost. He cools her fever (Perfect Me Quotes)
Singing has always seemed to me the most perfect means of expression. It is so spontaneous. And after singing, I think the violin. Since I cannot sing, I paint (Perfect Me Quotes)
This season don’t get lost in making the perfect meal or become overwhelmed with all the folks in your house. Use this time to center yourself (Perfect Me Quotes)
Gay men are perfect men for girls who are tough. They’re not threatened by strong women, and they’re usually very in touch with their feelings and pay attention to details. I’ve always had an affinity with gay men (Perfect Me Quotes)
Imagine if we had a food system that actually produced wholesome food. Imagine if it produced that food in a way that restored the land. Imagine if we could eat every meal knowing these few simple things: What it is we’re eating. Where it came from. How it found its way to our table. And what it really cost. If that was the reality, then every meal would have the potential to be a perfect meal (Perfect Me Quotes)
Rhetoric in its truest sense seeks to perfect men by showing them better versions of themselves, links in that chain extending up toward the ideal (Perfect Me Quotes)