Perfect World Quotes

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We are not asked to subscribe to any utopia or to believe in a perfect world just around the corner. We are asked to be patient with necessarily slow and groping advance on the road forward, and to be ready for each step ahead as it become practicable. We are asked to equip ourselves with courage, hope, readiness for hard work, and to cherish large and generous ideals (Perfect World Quotes)
God wants us to know that life is a series of beginnings, not endings. Just as graduations are not terminations, but commencements. Creation is an ongoing process, and when we create a perfect world where love and compassion are shared by all, suffering will cease (Perfect World Quotes)
Some of us must wait for the best human gifts until we come to heavenly places. Our natural desire for musical utterance is perhaps a prophecy that in a perfect world we shall all know how to sing (Perfect World Quotes)
Often I have heard the taunt that suffragists are women who have failed to find any normal outlet for their emotions, and are therefore soured and disappointed beings. This is probably not true of any suffragist, and it is most certainly not true of me. My home life and relations have been as nearly ideal as possible in this imperfect world (Perfect World Quotes)
In my perfect world, we would establish perhaps four national zoos of unimpeachable quality and close the rest of them (Perfect World Quotes)
Visible nature is but a distorted reflection of a more perfect world and the creative individual viewing her is inspired to perceive within and behind her many garments, that which is timeless and entirely beautiful (Perfect World Quotes)
The idea is that the savior came, and simply by the coming of the savior you’re saved. Nonsense, human beings wish! If that were the case, we’d live in a perfect world (Perfect World Quotes)
Artists live in an imperfect world where affairs of the heart must sometimes be compromised with business (Perfect World Quotes)
In a perfect world everything would be either black or white, right or wrong, and everyone would know the difference. But this isn’t a perfect world. The problem is people who think it is (Perfect World Quotes)
Here was a boy who liked flaws, who saw them not as failings but as strengths. Who knew such a person could exist, or what would have happened if we’d found each other under different circumstances? Maybe in a perfect world. But not in this one (Perfect World Quotes)
Our lives are marked and shaped by our regrets. Things we all want to take back and can’t. In a perfect world, we would never hurt the ones we love or cause hurt to befall them. But the world isn’t perfect and neither are we (Perfect World Quotes)
We will never have a perfect world, but it’s not romantic or naive to work toward a better one (Perfect World Quotes)
Laziness is the one common deficiency in mankind that blocks the establishment of a perfect world in which everyone leads a happy life (Perfect World Quotes)
He saw my complications and he mirrored me back simplified, and we laughed how our perfect world would always be denied (Perfect World Quotes)
In a perfect world we would bring corporate tax rates down to 25% or less so we can get competitive in the world economy. Ultimately, I would love to see a flat tax (Perfect World Quotes)