Perfection Quotes

Text Quotes
Be pleased with your real garden, don’t persue the perfection of a picture. What you see in a photo lasted only as long as the shutter snap (Perfection Quotes)
In his garden every man may be his own artist without apology or explanation. Each within his green enclosure is a creator, and no two shall reach the same conclusion; nor shall we, any more than other creative workers, be ever wholly satisfied with our accomplishment. Ever a season ahead of us floats the vision of perfection and herein lies its perennial charm (Perfection Quotes)
In an imperfect world perfection is not instantly available. Railroad safety, for instance, cannot be secured by mechanical devices alone. It is primarily a resultant of care and discipline (Perfection Quotes)
My voice is unadorned. I don’t try for perfection. I try to be honest and truthful and soulful with the voice I have. If I make mistakes in notes, or there are cracks in notes, I don’t fix them. That’s the way it is (Perfection Quotes)
Embrace what makes you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable. I didn’t have to become perfect because I’ve learned throughout my journey that perfection is the enemy of greatness (Perfection Quotes)
It is failure that guides evolution; perfection provides no incentive for improvement, and nothing is perfect (Perfection Quotes)
For what reason then do the realists show themselves so unfriendly toward philosophy? Because they misunderstand their own calling and with all their might want to remain restricted instead of becoming unrestricted! Why do they hate abstractions? Because they themselves are abstract since they abstract from the perfection of themselves, from the elevation of redeeming truth! (Perfection Quotes)
The man or the woman in whom resides greater virtue is the higher; neither the loftiness nor the lowliness of a person lies in the body according to the sex, but in the perfection of conduct and virtues (Perfection Quotes)
The minimum could be defined as the perfection that an artefact achieves when it is no longer possible to improve it by subtraction. This is the quality that an object has when every component, every detail, and every junction has been reduced or condensed to the essentials. it is the result of the omission of the inessentials (Perfection Quotes)
There is no such thing as perfection, there are only standards. And after you have set a standard you learn that it was not high enough. You want to surpass it (Perfection Quotes)
For every one step that you take in the pursuit of higher knowledge, take three steps in the perfection of your own character (Perfection Quotes)
There was no such thing as perfection in this world, only moments of such extreme transparency that you forgot yourself, a holy mercy if there ever was one (Perfection Quotes)
Perfection is impossible without humility. Why should I strive for perfection, if I am already good enough? (Perfection Quotes)
The book designer strives for perfection; yet every perfect thing lives somewhere in the neighborhood of dullness and is frequently mistaken for it by the insensitive (Perfection Quotes)
Folk melodies are the embodiment of an artistic perfection of the highest order; in fact, they are models of the way in which a musical idea can be expressed with utmost perfection in terms of brevity of form and simplicity of means (Perfection Quotes)
It is my contention that an agent ideal to the use of the scientific militarist, for both the air raid and the long distance bombardment is now in the process of development; that its eventual perfection is but a matter of time; and its use in warfare is certain to occur. I refer to the rocket. The perfection of the rocket in my opinion will give to future warfare the horror unknown in previous conflicts and will make possible destruction of nations, in a cool, passionless and scientific fashion (Perfection Quotes)
It is perfect to be imperfect, because perfection is made up of many imperfections put together that makes it perfect (Perfection Quotes)
The biggest thing for women to keep in mind is you can’t ever let someone define beauty for you. Look in the mirror and say that this is my definition of perfection (Perfection Quotes)
It’s called the pursuit of perfection. The pursuit is the idea that you’ll never be perfect in gymnastics but you can continue to pursue it as long as you’re doing it. I don’t think it’s possible to be perfect in gymnastics. It’s just one of those sports that you’re always trying to improve and pursue that perfection (Perfection Quotes)
I’m addicted to perfection. Problem with my life is I was always also addicted to chaos. Perfect chaos (Perfection Quotes)
The pure perfect truth of life is that we are here to create heaven on earth, to bring the perfection of what is above down to us, and in doing so to become transformed as human being into something great and beautiful (Perfection Quotes)
Adjusting to the requirement for perfection is, I think, the most difficult part of learning to program (Perfection Quotes)
There are in truth three states of the converted: the beginning, the middle, and the perfection. In the beginning they experience the charms of sweetness; in the middle the contests of temptation; and in the end the fullness of perfection (Perfection Quotes)
The artist must be like a heart surgeon. He must approach something with sympathy, but with a sort of coldness and work and work until he finds some kind of perfection in his work. You can’t have blood splashing all over the place. Things must be done very cleanly (Perfection Quotes)
I have always had a drive that pushed me to try for perfection, and golf is a game in which perfection stays just out of reach (Perfection Quotes)
Once you accept that perfection is just a goal, screwing up isn’t so hard to handle. Each misstep is still a step, another lesson learned, another opportunity to get it right the next time (Perfection Quotes)
There’s this whole idea of perfection. What young girls don’t realize is that these girls do have problems. It’s good for people to realize everyone is human (Perfection Quotes)
Everything, if you could only see it clearly enough, like this, is beautiful and complete. Everything has its own perfection (Perfection Quotes)
I’ve heard claims that we can wish our way to perfect, permanent wellness, but I haven’t seen any proof of that. Sickness and death are part of life. But you can optimize your life. You can make progress as you strive toward perfection (Perfection Quotes)
God is busy with the completion of your work, both outwardly and inwardly. He is fully occupied with you. Every human being is a work in progress that is slowly but inexplicably moving toward perfection. We are each an unfinished work of art both waiting and striving to be completed. God deals with each of us separately because humanity is a fine art of skilled penmanship where every single dot is equally important for the entire picture (Perfection Quotes)