Perform Quotes

Text Quotes
Forests, beyond offering us their plainly utilitarian wealth, have to perform vast physiological functions in the great economy of nature, by contributing predominantly in the empire of vegetation to the liberation of oxygen (Perform Quotes)
What turns ordinary people into overachievers is the way they use their minds when they are called on to perform (Perform Quotes)
There is a bit of acting involved when you get in front of a camera for a video. Even when you perform onstage, you’re putting on a show (Perform Quotes)
I like the fact that I’m involved in a career that gives me so many different mediums to perform in (Perform Quotes)
Every day I go out and climb, like a dancer who works on his dance. He probably has some goals, some pieces he would like to perform, but his main goal is to work on his dance. This is how he expresses himself. Both he and I are interested in the same thing. It’s the dance that counts (Perform Quotes)
If the exigencies of my country demand a peculiar service, its claims to perform that service are imperious (Perform Quotes)
The street to obscurity is paved with athletes who perform great feats before friendly crowds. Greatness in major league sports is the ability to win in a stadium filled with people who are pulling for you to lose (Perform Quotes)
If you’re out there stressing on your pro day, then you’re not going to perform well, so I plan on having a little fun. Play a little music while we’re out there throwing the football, have everybody tapping their toes and bobbing their head and just go out there and make the most of the experience (Perform Quotes)
Individual and team discipline ultimately come down to practicing a small set of principles over a long period of time. Success is not a matter of mastering subtle, sophisticated theory, but rather embracing common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence. Said in yet another way, discipline is to an athlete what scales are to a musician. Mastering the scales is what allows the musician to perform music. Mastering the skills of self discipline is what enables a person to become an accomplished elite athlete (Perform Quotes)
Writing a long essay is probably the most complex constructive act that most human beings areever expected to perform (Perform Quotes)
An individual can be truly moral only when they are their own master. From the moment when they awaken to a comprehension of that which is equitable and good it is for them to direct their own movements, to seek in the their conscience reasons for their actions, and to perform them simply, without either fearing punishment or looking for reward (Perform Quotes)
You are accepted. You are accepted, accepted by that which is greater than you, and the name of which you do not know. Do not ask for the name now; perhaps you will find it later. Do not try to do anything now; perhaps later you will do much. Do not seek for anything; do not perform anything; do not intend anything. Simply accept the fact that you are accepted! (Perform Quotes)
My message to the fans would be that hopefully I can continue to perform as consistently as I have done this season and lift a trophy for them soon (Perform Quotes)
Practice like it means everything in the world to you. Perform like you don’t give a damn (Perform Quotes)
A centre of excellence is, by definition, a place where second class people may perform first class work (Perform Quotes)
It’s such a thrill to perform live. You never know if you’re going to get hit with a bottle or a bra (Perform Quotes)
It’s been amazing getting to go from city to city and perform for thousands of people. It’s an amazing feeling, and the energy is crazy (Perform Quotes)
The harder you work when nobody’s watching the less you bleed when it’s time to perform (Perform Quotes)
People must have righteous principals in the first, and then they will not fail to perform virtuous actions (Perform Quotes)
For me, the most relevant factor in my ability to perform well on the rock has to do with my love of climbing. After nearly thirty years of climbing, I still love to do it whenever possible! (Perform Quotes)
I think the locker room is a huge part of the football team and often is a part thats overlooked. The chemistry in your locker room has a lot to do with how youre going to go out there and perform (Perform Quotes)
You’re not only the spotlight in which you perform, but the shadows where you practice (Perform Quotes)
Competitive advantage is a companys ability to perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match (Perform Quotes)
If a person is not talented enough to be a novelist, not smart enough to be a lawyer, and his hands are too shaky to perform operations, he becomes a journalist (Perform Quotes)
Set realistic goals short and long term.2. Plan an orderly and thorough routine to train the entire body.3. Make a commitment to stick to your routine for four to six weeks to realize the changes and benefits, develop perseverance and create a habit.4. Establish enthusiasm for your training, the driving force to perform successfully.5. Ease into an appropriate training program with a wholesome, thoughtful nutritional plan: proper foods, amounts and order of consumption.6. Be confident from the beginning that the application of these sound principles will produce the desired results (Perform Quotes)
The question of historicity and actuality with regard to gods and unicorns is a relatively trifling matter which may be left to antiquarians and biologists, for both the God and the unicorn had a business to perform greater than any mere existence in the flesh could explain or provide a basis for (Perform Quotes)
As players and coaches, we all want to reach our goal. It’s up to us to go out there and perform (Perform Quotes)
I was injured because everyone around me was observing neutrality and keeping silent. After all, they saw that I wasn’t ready to perform that element. But they kept quiet (Perform Quotes)
It’s been very well demonstrated that our belief system effects how we behave and how we perform... It also effects our lifestyle, so that if we don’t believe that we can help ourselves, we probably cannot. If we don’t believe that positive information is useful to our health and well being, it probably won’t be (Perform Quotes)
Running is perhaps the most fundamental of all sports, and it is economically the least costly to perform. As a consequence, it is the most democratic and most competitive of all sports because individual merit can prevail despite economic equality. It is a sport for everyone, the whole world over (Perform Quotes)