Permanently Quotes

Text Quotes
No true civilization can be expected permanently to continue which is not based on the great principles of Christianity (Permanently Quotes)
Until we accept and approve of ourselves, no amount of approval from others will keep us permanently secure (Permanently Quotes)
Do not lose your cool and ruin your reputation permanently over a little bit of anger that will dissipate in no time (Permanently Quotes)
Art’s the biggest vanity: the assumption that one’s view of peace or fright or beauty is permanently communicable (Permanently Quotes)
There are a lot of bands and performers whose careers are permanently derailed by spectacularly bad management (Permanently Quotes)
You will be about as happy as you decide to be. Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently (Permanently Quotes)
Show her you’re different by sticking around and permanently being there for her. Show her that not everybody leaves (Permanently Quotes)
Marriage is an exclusive union between one man and one woman, publicly acknowledged, permanently sealed, and physically consummated (Permanently Quotes)
Don’t do something permanently stupid just because you’re temporarily upset (Permanently Quotes)
Never let anyone pull at your heart strings unless they plan on permanently tying them to their own (Permanently Quotes)
It is commonly observed that a sudden wealth, like a prize drawn in a lottery or a large bequest to a poor family, does not permanently enrich. They have served no apprenticeship to wealth, and with the rapid wealth come rapid claims which they do not know how to deny, and the treasure is quickly dissipated (Permanently Quotes)
I’m very optimistic because I think that the real strength of a nation like the United States comes from blending cultures. There’s no way that you can close the frontiers anywhere. The borders are there to be violated permanently (Permanently Quotes)
My first job was scooping ice cream at Friendly’s in Albany, New York. I hated the work, most of my colleagues, and the uniform, and I more or less lost my taste for ice cream permanently (Permanently Quotes)
U.K. psychologist Daniel Nettle thinks of happiness as a carrot on a stick, designed by evolution to show the right way, and also designed so that we will never permanently reach it. We likely would just sit around and eat sweet and fatty foods all day, and that is simply not in the interest of evolution (Permanently Quotes)
It is true that I voted against the National Defense Authorization Act, because when I campaigned in Texas I told voters in Texas that I would oppose the federal government having the authority to detain U.S. citizens permanently with no due process. I have repeatedly supported an effort to take that out of that bill, and I honored that campaign commitment (Permanently Quotes)
We need to end permanently the tax that punishes American values of savings and investment and of building small businesses and family farms and ranches. (Permanently Quotes)
Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned everything is war (Permanently Quotes)
Don’t be afraid to be confused. Try to remain permanently confused. Anything is possible. (Permanently Quotes)
Policy people suffer their own kind of agony, and no wonder. After all, what is the average life of the policy person? You go into government if you are lucky, do your best, aren’t appreciated, take all the blame for policies for which you are only partly responsible, leave, realize your reputation has been damaged, maybe permanently. (Permanently Quotes)
The reason we have such a difficult time losing weight permanently is not because we are making bad choices, but because we are not stopping our automatic subconscious programmed behaviors in their tracks. (Permanently Quotes)
We have to rethink the way we light our cities. We have to think again about light as a default solution. Why are all these motorways permanently lit? Is it really needed? Can we maybe be much more selective and create better environments that also benefit from darkness? Can we be more gentle with light? (Permanently Quotes)
For a water drop, the most beautiful house is a leaf; and for a man: The goodness! Let the goodness be your home you permanently live in! (Permanently Quotes)
Don’t let your teeth make you lose respect by permanently keeping them opened for the sake of being friendly. (Permanently Quotes)
You have to actually believe in your capacity to change for habits to permanently change (Permanently Quotes)
Despite the best efforts of apologists like William Lane Craig, the ‘evidence’ for Christianity’s truth is, in truth, not the kind that science will or should ever admit. We believers mean something different by the word: something that puts faith permanently in the category of irreproducible results. (Permanently Quotes)
I don’t want to permanently damage myself! On the other hand, a couple of days off the keyboard tends to make things somewhat better. (Permanently Quotes)
A cynic is not merely one who reads bitter lessons from the past, his is also one who is permanently disappointed in the future. (Permanently Quotes)
The Left despises Texas, with its stellar record of job growth; Texas, with its strong support for traditional marriage and the sanctity of life; Texas, the root of the conservative tree. Should the Left succeed in its attempt to turn Texas purple, America could turn permanently blue. (Permanently Quotes)
Truthful hearts have clear blue skies permanently hidden and bound to thrive from the accusing mists of doubts and lies. ~ Angelica Hopes~ an excerpt from If I Could Tell You (Permanently Quotes)
Don’t get me wrong: I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Even the word ‘cancer’ brings back the nausea and pain, the fear I felt, and the heartbreak I saw in my parents’ faces. The smells that fill hospitals and the constant tired feeling that comes with treatment are also permanently stuck in my memory. (Permanently Quotes)