Personal Quotes

Text Quotes
To resist and subdue nature is to make for one's self a personal and imperishable life: it is to break free from the vicissitudes of life and death (Personal Quotes)
The good certainly cling to nothing. They do not talk aimlessly, concerned with personal gains. The wise, whether experiencing comfort or discomfort, show neither elation not depression (Personal Quotes)
The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires self - trust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no disciples (Personal Quotes)
Sympathy wanting, all is wanting; its personal magnetism is the conductor of the sacred spark that lights our atoms, puts us m human communion, and gives us to company, conversation, and ourselves (Personal Quotes)
Health, longevity, beauty, are other names for personal purity; and temperance is the regimen for all (Personal Quotes)
The passions refuse to be organized on a basis of their own; hostile to personal freedom and one another, they rush precipitately into anarchy and mob rule (Personal Quotes)
The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth (Personal Quotes)
No matter how you cut it, this real debate on personal accounts is about the legitimacy of social security; it's not about the solvency of social security (Personal Quotes)
The two additional unique human endowments that enable us to expand our proactivity and to exercise personal leadership in our lives are imagination and conscience (Personal Quotes)
What one thing could you do in your personal and professional life that, if you did it on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in your life? (Personal Quotes)
In my book (and this is my book!) magical thinking is the alchemy that you can use to visualize and project yourself into the professional and personal life that you want (Personal Quotes)
Conditions of thought, memory, and desire, persuaded by impulse and irrationality, are influenced as well by personal aesthetics and private meanings (Personal Quotes)
When we suffer we have made it into a personal affair. We shut out all the suffering of mankind (Personal Quotes)
Life is the only real counselor; wisdom unfiltered through personal experience does not become a part of the moral tissue (Personal Quotes)
It was part of her discernment to be aware that life is the only real counselor, that wisdom unfiltered through personal experience does not become a part of the moral tissues (Personal Quotes)
…move from emphasis on personal lifestyle issues toward creating political paradigms and radical models of social change that emphasize collective as well as individual change (Personal Quotes)
Reading is such a personal thing to me. I'd much rather give someone a gift certificate to a bookstore, and let that person choose his or her own books (Personal Quotes)
The fact that I was a junkie for a long time is only one slice of my own personal pie, which is made up of a lot of different slices (Personal Quotes)
When you start putting pen to paper, you see a side of your personal truth that doesn't otherwise reveal itself in conversation or thought (Personal Quotes)
I have a very great fear of love. It is so personal. Let each bird fly with its own wings, and each fish swim its own course. Morning brings more than love. And I want to be true to the morning (Personal Quotes)
But it's also because of something personal. My mother and father met while playing chess, so I've always had a fondness for the game. If it weren't for chess, I might not be here (Personal Quotes)
Ya know what I do almost every day? I wash. Personal hygiene is part of the package with me (Personal Quotes)
The simple cannot choose their personal heresy, Adso; they cling to the man preaching in their land, who passes through their village or stops in their square (Personal Quotes)
Correspondence, which bears much the same relation to personal intercourse that the books of dried plats I sometimes see do to the living and fresh flowers in the lanes and meadows (Personal Quotes)
This is the highest miracle of genius, that things which are not should be as though they were, that the imaginations of one mind should become the personal recollections of another (Personal Quotes)
For capitalism is abolished root and branch by the bare assumption that it is personal consumption and not enrichment that works as the compelling motive (Personal Quotes)
The business of the dramatist is to keep himself out of sight, and to let nothing appear but his characters. As soon as he attracts notice to his personal feelings, the illusion is broken (Personal Quotes)
He had withdrawn solely for his own personal pleasure, only to be near to himself. No longer distracted by anything external, he basked in his own existence and found it splendid (Personal Quotes)
Whenever he saw a dollar in another man's hands he took it as a personal grudge, if he couldn't take it any other way (Personal Quotes)
Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask why me? Then a voice answers nothing personal, your name just happened to come up (Personal Quotes)